Office Hours
After his class, Justin is shuffling about in his office, he's got a handfull of tissues as his nose is still running. He feels a bit down in the dumps at the moment but he is more than welcome to any guests, especially ones bringing treats of some sort.
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2006-01-21 01:30 am UTC (link)
((ooc/ic as P is ill in bed *a muffin appears on Justin's desk surrounded by blue light*))
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2006-01-21 01:58 am UTC (link)
[[ OOC/IC: *SQUEE* ]]
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2006-01-21 01:48 am UTC (link) Delete
Last night had been exciting, despite the obvious drama. He'd been caught up in the moment, in the case, and trying to figure out hat was wrong with Pippi that he hand't paid much attention to his leg. He'd hobbled around the clinic without his cane, because the cane just seemed to get in the way when he was dealing with a fast moving trauma. When someone's health was seriously in question, he didn't take time to worry about his own comfort.
And despite the deep ache in his leg and lower back, he felt too restless to sit still. He walked around campus, because walking to town just didn't seem like a good idea, and ended up at Justin's office. He didn't even know if Justin would be there, but he figured if he ended up there without consciously deciding to go there, maybe there was a reason.
He knocked witht he polished handle of his cane.
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2006-01-21 01:58 am UTC (link)
Maybe there was a reason, seem so Justin was just thinking about going to see Greg for a check-up on his condition but he figured he should not bother him during school hours when he was most busy with patients.
Justin was huddled over a mass of newspapers, dipicting horrfic scenes of slaughter and genocide in Africa; his favorite topics loomed nearby, the Gardening section was neatly folded on his desk as well.
All in all, his office was a disaster. He glanced over a headline `African Mother Dies from Dypraxa Overdose` this infuriated Justin, his face went red and he felt the urge to rip the paper up just as he heard the knock on his door.
Startled, Justin calmed himself before getting up and answering the door. He was delighted to see Greg there, the sweat beading over his forehead from the anger just seconds before.
"Greg." a large smile, "Come in. Come in."
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2006-01-21 02:02 am UTC (link) Delete
"I'm not interrupting, am I?" House asked cautiously. His eyes scanned Justin and realised immediately something wasn't right. He didn't know about the upsetting article, but the sweat, combined witht he runny nose and his eyes looking just a shadde off, his medical instincts kicked in. "Are you feeling all right?"
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2006-01-21 02:05 am UTC (link)
Justin nodded, "Just a little bit under the weather is all. It's a jolly sight to see you, finally." and if that wasn't a tone of lovers desperation, he didn't know what was. He closed the door behind them as to obstruct any prying ears, "Excuse the mess, I'm bloody awful at doing that." he daintly picks up some newspapers, folding them and placing them somewhere else so Greg can sit.
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2006-01-21 02:08 am UTC (link) Delete
House nodded, and sat, grateful to get off his leg. He stretched it out, carefully. "You should come by the clinic. I can get you on antibiotics."
He rubbed his knee, which took a lot of stress when he walked. "It's a good thing Dr Wilson is still putting in hours at the clinic up here, he organises my desk two or three times a week. When he doesn't? I trash everything and start over."
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2006-01-21 02:12 am UTC (link)
"I'll stop by sooner than later." Justin smiles and takes a seat across from the other man, "Look at my office, do you see a very organized person at the moment? I was going through these African newspapers, one them absolutely infuriated me." he shakes his head solemnly, he can't believe that people are still dying from Dypraxa's waves.
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2006-01-21 02:16 am UTC (link) Delete
House only nodded. He would go insane if he worried about the medical situations in Africa. He has a hard enough time keeping up with medical trends in America, now that he's not working at a hospital.
"Best thing to do, is help the ones you can. Know you can't save them all."
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2006-01-21 02:21 am UTC (link)
A small nod, he agrees but after Tessa died, he inherited a bit of her strong will to cure all; "That's true, I suppose. But you can topple the giants that hurt the smaller ones." he holds up a newspaper depicting the Three Bee's CEO getting arrested, "And sometimes it feels bloody good."
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2006-01-21 02:28 am UTC (link) Delete
"Yeah, it does." He thought of Vogler, though the situation was completely different. Vogler, who didn't care about patients so much as profit. Vogler who got a taste of his own medicine when he tried to oust House from the hospital and found out House was a lot harder to get rid of than he ever thought.
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2006-01-21 02:33 am UTC (link)
Clearing his throat, it hurt a bit and he winced, "So, how have you been? I haven't seen you in a while." he had started to miss him, very much so.
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2006-01-21 02:38 am UTC (link) Delete
"I've been around. Dr Wilson's been sick, I spent some time in town with him. Mostly I've been working my clinic hours or reading. I've been sitting in on Professor Chaucers lit classes. Sometihng of a refresher for me, I guess. I've gotten away from reading so much, and I'm tying to get back to it."
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2006-01-21 02:46 am UTC (link)
"That sounds very nice. My classes have been moving slowly, earlier in the week I just couldn't teach at all so I gave them a short story to write." he sighs, "What are you up to this weekend?"
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2006-01-21 02:48 am UTC (link) Delete
"I have to write a sonnet for the poetry class, but I imgine I can do that while I'm on the clock in the clinic." House scratched his chin. "In other words, I have no concrete plans."
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2006-01-21 02:52 am UTC (link)
Justin sneezes into a tissue, "Excuse me. Sorry." he apologizes lightly, "A sonnet? Is my dear Greg turning into a poet?" a small gleeful smile, he wouldn't mind recieving a poem.
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2006-01-21 02:57 am UTC (link) Delete
"Chaucer is teaching me, yeah." He grinned a little grin. "I'm fascinated by words, you know. And how words can be manipulated to evoke a feeling. If I wasn't a doctor, I'd likely have been a musician."
It's possible, but shush. You don't need to over think these things. *g*
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2006-01-21 03:00 am UTC (link)
"How riveting. I'm sure you'd make such a lovely musician. If you ever get the chance, I wouldn't mind a poem myself." and he wouldn't mind have an feelings envoked either. Rawr.
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2006-01-21 03:03 am UTC (link) Delete
"You never know, do you?" House gave him a lusty-eyed sort of look.
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2006-01-21 03:07 am UTC (link)
Oh God, how that lusty-eyed look was returned rather seamlessly. Justin found himself blushing quite brightly before stuttering to speak, "I've planted some new seedlings in my garden.." he gulps, finding himself really lost in Greg's blue eyes...
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2006-01-21 03:11 am UTC (link) Delete
"Have you? I'll have to come by and see them. I'd think it would be too early yet, for planting." House licked his bottom lip rather impulsively.
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2006-01-21 03:15 am UTC (link)
"It's never too early." he answered, a cold sweat coming out over his brow as he watched Greg lick his lower lip, he instictively licked his own.
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2006-01-21 03:24 am UTC (link) Delete
"See, i have so much to learn about plants and gardening." House smiled. If his leg wasn't aching, he'd suggest they make the hike to Justin's place right thenand there. But he knew he wouldn't make it. or he'd make it, but it would hurt his leg quite a bit.
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2006-01-21 03:29 am UTC (link)
"That's why you have me. I can teach you anything." a small smile, he felt a rather lusty nature come over him but he didn't want to be too forward.
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2006-01-21 03:33 am UTC (link) Delete
"My dear, I'm sure there are things I can teach you as well." House answered, almost challenging.
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2006-01-21 03:40 am UTC (link)
Justin felt himself leaning forward, "Is that so? Dear doctor, what will you teach me?"
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2006-01-21 04:23 pm UTC (link) Delete
"That, my friend," House tapped his cane on the floor, "depends on what you wish to learn. For example, I could teach you how to assist a cripple in walking back to his apartment." He arched a brow, clearly indicating there was much more behind the suggestion than a simple walk across campus, no matter how complicated it would be.
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2006-01-21 04:27 pm UTC (link)
"What a jolly good suggestion. I'd love to assist the amazing Doctor to his apartment." Justin stood and held out his hand.
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2006-01-21 04:42 pm UTC (link) Delete
House held his gaze as he pulled himself up, holding the hand with his left and his cane with the right. Once on ihs feet, he did a little hop to get his weight off the right as much as possible.
"Leg's giving me fits today. I had a crisis in the clinic last night, it's fine now, but I didn't use my cane and the leg tends to make me pay for that later. You should stay a little to my right, but walk normally."
He really should have gotten his crutches out, and he knew it. He just hated those things, and the weakness they represented.