OOC: Announcement

Jan 28, 2006 07:54

Since a_phale posted an announcement of sorts, I thought I should perhaps mention that Dr House will also be leaving FandomHigh in the coming weeks. His leaving will be tied to Wilson and Aziraphale leaving, and I hope you all understand that I'm following the best course of action for my pup. (ie: House without Wilson, even though they are no longer together in the beedroom, would be a very sad thing, and I just cna't fo that to my House)

In the meantime, Dr House will continue to work and avoid his clinic hours (and please please please don't hesitate to use his voice mail to get a hold of him if needed. He is in his apartment behind the clinic during the weekend snow storm, if anyone were to make it to the clinic and need help, but you would have to use his voice mail because he's busy with Geoff not doing an open post) and his leaving should be a natural story arc.

Thank you.


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