Meme thing: Halloween Cupcake Test

Nov 01, 2010 20:45

You Are Cheerful

You love to celebrate every occasion, and that's especially true for Halloween.

In your opinion, the Halloween season can't start soon enough. You love to go a bit overboard this time of year.

You're the type of person who likes to include everyone in the fun. You're very friendly.

You have a great time wherever you go. It's all thanks to your very upbeat and optimistic attitude!

The Halloween Cupcake Test

Blogthings: 100's of Fun, Free Quizzes and 3 Stupid Ones

Not so bad, I guess.

[[And an OOC note: if anyone is still interested, I was going to make the Halloween party post this coming weekend. A lot of players didn't seem to be around this week, and anyway I figured people would probably be busy with real-life Halloween plans ;)]]

what: holidays are the best, ooc, open, meme, what: has a sweet tooth, ic

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