. application

Jun 30, 2000 12:59

[ Player Name ] : Star
[ Personal LJ ] : onorette
[ Age ] : 22
[ Timezone ] : EST
[ Other Characters ] : N/A

[ Character's Name ] : Hikari Natsumi
[ Character's Age ] : 20
[ Series ] : Kamen Rider Decade
[ Canon Point ] : The "official" end of canon, meaning immediately post-Movie Wars 2010.

[ History ] : Found here courtesy of Wikipedia, and also here via some ... other random fan-Wiki.
[ Personality ] : Known for being sometimes grumpy and for the most part pretty straight-laced, Natsumi is the "straight man" in the comedy-drama train wreck that is her entourage, and the one who seems to take responsibility the most seriously. Though not completely without appreciation for (frequently) ribbing her friends and (less terribly frequent) fooling around, she's the resident "grown-up", the "don't do that, stupid, you're going to get us all in trouble"-brand voice of reason.

While she doesn’t often canonically get her way in regards to the way things happen -- and in the midst of a journey to save multiple worlds, who would expect it to in a house full of ornery young men and a grandfather who would just as soon turn the house into a chicken coop? -- she is very much the picture of a take-charge attitude, and whether by volition or by dint of being the only one willing, it usually falls to her to keep everyone else in line, including her somewhat eccentric grandfather, and while she often complains of being fairly put-upon, she wouldn't really have it any other way.

Not one to wear her heart on her sleeve, she tends to keep the more serious feelings to herself, particularly where the people they involve (usually her traveling companions-cum-permanent housemates) are concerned. That's what all of the grump and carrying on is for -- the more annoyed she and the person in question are at one another, the less anyone will question why she's so damn concerned. Despite her unwillingness to admit the way she feels to them, she has sacrificed herself in order to save her best friend’s life, and jumped through hoops to bring him back from the dead later on. There is nothing she would not do for someone she truly values, and no amount of tsundere pomp and circumstance can hide that.
[ Strengths/Weaknesses ] : Natsumi is inventive, intuitive and brave. She is willing and able to do whatever it is that she needs to do to keep herself and others safe. A master of handling responsibility as it comes, she's fairly adept at concentrating on the task at hand, independently or together in a group with others. If it needs to be done, it'll be done, even if she has to henpeck someone else into helping her do it. This take-charge, handle-your-shit attitude is what has kept her alive when her comrades weren't able to assist, and she counts on it, even if it means improvising at the last second because no one else had a plan, either.

While it's true that she's brave and inventive enough to get by on her own merits, she is not at all fearless. She startles, cuts, cries, bleeds and dies (and has died once) like any other human being, and as such she's not invulnerable to panic when in danger, hard as she tries not to let it stop her from doing whatever it is that needs to be done. Natsumi may feign fierce independence, but she's a lot less sure of herself when alone and tends to worry about others a little more than she worries about herself, which has a tendency to put her in situations she could have avoided to begin with if she'd minded her own business.

Her interpersonal trump card is the Hikari Family Secret Technique: the Laughing Pressure Point. With a precision that leaves her housemates in fear of the thumb she uses to execute it, Natsumi is able to apply pressure to a certain point in the side of the neck and cause someone to laugh uncontrollably for a minute or two at a time (provided they are human -- the skill is shown to have different effects on non-humans, such as uncontrollable crying). Canonically, she can also become Kamen Rider Kivaara with the help of a tiny white bat of ~mysterious origin~ (~mysterious origin~ meaning "Toei never told us anything except that she's a member of the Kivat race"), but without her -- as she is in Vatheon -- she can't transform.

[ Other Important Facts ] :
  • Tops boys. Lots of boys. All of the boys! Mercilessly.
  • The only Decade-based Rider that doesn't look like a household appliance.

[ Sample ] : [The first thing Natsumi notices is that her skin feels almost sticky. She can't decide if she's more confused or irritated; it must have something to do with the boys. Hasn't she told them before that being terrible isn't the way you wake someone up? ... and isn't she the one who usually wakes up first?

The second is that her clothes feel wet -- soaking wet. Sitting up with a start, she realizes that her hair is dripping too, and her first instinct is to yell for someone's head. The sound dies in her throat when she looks around and realizes with a weight like a lead ball in her stomach that this is decidedly not the Hikari Photo Studio -- not home. It's bright and smells strongly of seawater; it isn't any world she remembers the look of, and she can't remember seeing a city like this at all on their journey, let alone a lot of coastline.

Turning her eyes up, she realizes suddenly why the air smells so strongly of salt and audibly gasps.] A bubble?

[No answer, of course -- which means that Tsukasa is nowhere in a ten-mile radius to be himself -- and she is suddenly slightly nauseous and wondering if the bubble can crack. Is it made of glass? Plastic? Natsumi shakes her head and decides she doesn't want to touch it to find out. All she wants is to know where she is, and maybe a hot shower.]

[ Questions? Comments? Concerns? ] : Your mom. ♥
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