Jeeps, Trains, and Surprises

Mar 05, 2007 22:13

Back in Aldbourne it was like time had stopped long enough for George to go into Milliways and find his two new friends then return. The air is warm with the faintest of cooling breezes that makes it a perfect summer day. Thankfully the mid-day traffic is lighter than usual with all of the 101st in the area back at the camp prepairing for their ( Read more... )

easy company, nathan patrelli, bill pardy

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gotapenny March 14 2007, 04:51:11 UTC
London is already beaming with life from the thousands of paratroopers within the city along with the residents of the town.

Stepping of the trainstation George can't help but beam a smile. "Ahh London at last. I could kiss the ground for finally making it here."

Perconte comes up to stand beside of Luz, smirking slightly, "I'll pay you a dollar to do it."

"Just a dollar? Jeeze I thought the humor of it was worth atleast two."

Moving off towards where their duffle bags were being kept Frank just gave a snort. "Ah. No. Come and get your shit so we can find a hotel before the rest of the company gets there before us."

Thankfully, George remembered to also find dufflebags for both Bill and Nate prior to them meeting the rest of Easy in Aldbourne.


wheelsy_sheriff March 14 2007, 05:09:23 UTC
Bill sticks close to George and Nate, gawking at thier surroundings but careful not to let them get too far away. Wouldn't do to get lost in a foreign country years before your time during a war now would it?

"I'll chip in the other buck." He offers, taking his eyes away from the scenery to smirk back at Luz.


waylostandfound March 14 2007, 05:39:14 UTC
Nathan had been in London once before. Mostly in transition in his times of service. Last stop before he headed back to the US. And seeing the thriving bustling city in 1990's was a far cry from how it was fifty years ago.

He looked around, seeing how the Blitz affected some of the city in the distance. And briefly he was reminded of his brother's words, and of Hiro's warning. He tried to keep his expression calm and steady though as they walked along.


gotapenny March 14 2007, 05:52:55 UTC
A duffle bag is tossed Bill's way then Nathan's from the cart all the items are kept on. If Nate doesn't watch out, the 50lb bag would no doubt knock him over.

Taking his own on his shoulder, George moves a few steps away to where Perconte, Muck, Penkala, and Hoobler are all waiting for them to get done. Luz then picks his overseas cap out from under his belt and slides it onto his head.

"Can you believe this guys?" Muck says, passing around a pack of Strikes, "One full week of no drills, no reports, and no Sobel."

Penkala just grins as he takes the pack next. "No Krauts, no Sobel, no nothing- it's like Heaven."

"Any ideas what you guys are gonna do first?" George pipes in, looking over his shoulder to make sure the new 'replacements' are doing okay.


wheelsy_sheriff March 14 2007, 06:03:07 UTC
Bill catches the bag that's tossed at him and manages to not drop or fumble with it. He slings it over his shoulder and shakes waits beside George.

"Huh, whatcha think so far Nate?" He asks, taking another look around.


waylostandfound March 14 2007, 06:30:27 UTC
Nathan was taken off guard by the duffle bag heading his way. So he barely had time to react before it knocked him back on his rear. He winced briefly, and then laughed some.

"Hey, give a guy a chance to wind up before you pitch it like that, Luz," he joked some as he got up, and then lifted the bag.

After he regained his composure some, he added to Bill, "Right now, a place to relax with decent food and drink sounds pretty damn good."


gotapenny March 14 2007, 15:05:50 UTC
As soon as Nathan hits the ground everyone is breaking out into laughter. It's Martin, however, that offers him a hand up. "If only Luz could pitch like that out in the ball field we'd be set on games for the rest of the war."

George takes on a defensive look, frowning slightly as he adjusts the cap on his head. "Yeah, well, the guys think I do better playing bases so you're out of luck, Peewee."

The station close to Piccadilly Circus is packed full of GIs all on leave and looking for some fun. Very few locals are even trying to come near unless they have too. Once everyone has their dufflebags and gear in place the group of 8 start towards the exits ( ... )


wheelsy_sheriff March 15 2007, 05:27:25 UTC
Looking around at all those gathered and arriving Bill suddenly realizes how hard it is to tell people apart by just thier uniforms and the back of thier heads.

Sidling up beside Nathan he's careful to keep his voice low so the others in the group don't over hear. "Hey Nathan, do me a favor an make sure that when you guys go somewhere's I'm there? I don't want to get lost here ya know?" And there's no telling if he did manage to get seperated from Nathan and Luz whether or not he'd be able to find his own door back to Milliways.


waylostandfound March 15 2007, 05:39:00 UTC
Nathan nodded, "Oh sure. Definitely."


gotapenny March 16 2007, 02:55:11 UTC
And then they were off! Skip leads the group away from the train station towards the hotel his friend had told him about. Dropping away from the group to walk between Bill and Nathan, Luz just grins. It seems the infectious buzz of the city is sparking his personality more.

"So I gotta tell ya- you two will never see anything like this ever again. Unless we get Paris and shit." Beaming he all but bounces, the duffle bag resting across his shoulder with ease. "I just hope we don't have any bombings while we're here."


wheelsy_sheriff March 16 2007, 04:51:20 UTC
Bill eyes Luz, "There better not be no bombings while we're here. An you better not just have jinxed us not gettin bombed by saying that."


waylostandfound March 16 2007, 05:19:00 UTC
Nathan gave a worried look to the skies.

"I thought the whole point of this was to get a break."


gotapenny March 17 2007, 15:01:07 UTC
"Oh it is- we think we got the Krauts pushed back enough they can't, but you never know." There's a twinkle in George's eyes almost excited about the fact they could get bombed. "It's a real kick in the pants to get you moving."

Halfway to the hotel the group stops long enough to catch their breath. With the crowded streets combined with their heavy packs it's taking longer than expected to get to their destination. Spotting a pub across the street, Perconte starts that way before Penkala reaches out and grabs him by the back of the collar. "Wrong way, Frank."

"But I want a drink!"

Skip snorted a laugh, reaching down and messing up the shorter man's hat as he reads his papers again. "We're almost there. Just a lil-"

"Drink's on Skip!" Luz called on, grining like a fool when an evil glare is shot his way. This also got the group moving again giving George time to talk to the members.

"Remind me to find something nice for Suzi, will ya?" his words are soft enough for only them to hear.


wheelsy_sheriff March 19 2007, 02:50:47 UTC
"I'd prefer the kick in the pants to gettin bombed." Bill mutters, glancing skyward then following along.

When they stop he takes the momentary pause to shift the wieght of the bag around a bit and catch his breath. Then they're moving again and Bill nods to Luz, "Sure thing. Was thinkin of gettin her somethin my ownself."


waylostandfound March 19 2007, 04:20:00 UTC
Nathan really wanted to avoid any bombings. Wouldn't be good if he didn't get back in one piece.

He then quickly asked Bill and Luz, "Who's Suzi?"


gotapenny March 19 2007, 04:37:23 UTC
George lets his steps slow enough to let the others get a distance ahead but still to keep an eye on where they are walking too. When they round the corner he can see the sign for the hotel.

"Suzi Darley is one of the girls in the bar. Real sweetheart- shes the type of girl who cares about everyone and everything." Eyeing Nate carefully he couldn't help but grin. "We'll introduce ya to her when we get back."

"All right!" Skip calls out as they stop outside the hotel. "This is it!"

Looking up Perconte smirks a little. "Little fancy, ain't it?"

"Nah. If the Niland brothers think it's decent enough for a bunch of paras its all right in my book!"


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