Just a few things

Apr 14, 2004 18:26

There are a few things that are making me happy today... allow me to list them for your enjoyment.

-Listening to Inchon
-When Joie buys me diet pop, oranges, and bagels from the C-store because I have enough money for one meal per day till we leave... if that.
-Ben Jelen... and his entire CD
-My picture frames and photo albums. They always rock - but today, they remind me especially of how lucky I am to have the friends that I do. yeah.
-Antoine - and the fact that he's still alive.
-The sunshine... but really - TOMORROW's sunshine is going to kick ass. It's probably going to get up to almost 70, and how fucking awesome is that? Yeah - that's what I thought.
-MK... because she has a prom date - and a happy mk is a happy bk... well in all reality, that should probably mean I'm sad. But - no - that's not true. I'm HAPPY for SURE! What sucks though, is that I'm not going to be here that day - so I won't get to see my beautiful MK before she leaves for prom. That, my friends, would be the day my cousin Rob is getting married to Bridgett. It's ok - she rocks - and I'll see pictures. :0)
-I scheduled my classes for the fall. Here's what that looks like.

Mondays and Wednesdays

Geometry from 1030 - 1220
Comm 105A from 100 - 220.

Tuesdays and Thursdays

Creative Writing from 1130 - 1250
Astronomy from 230 - 420.

And then, in there somewhere, will be when I work at the ED Bldg again. I won't be paid, again, but I talked to Kim today, and she's going to give me a job calculating grade points, that will make me about 300 bucks per semester, so I'm GAME. :0D

That brings me to the concept of making money. Well... I'm going to be working at the Y again - but I'm going to apply to be a camp counselor for the summer day camp. I applied last year - and they gave the jobs to all the kids returning from college. Well - I'm one of em this year - so HA! If I get that job, i guess it's $175 per week - meaning 350 per check... and I know that would go over really well with my mom. I never brought home more than 150 in a check from working REGULAR shifts at the Y. So - if I don't get to be a counselor... hopefully I'll pick up some babysitting opportunities. I pretty much have it in my head that this summer isn't for fun - it's for making money. It's not going to be ALL work and no play though... this is what I have in mind.

I know that I have the week of the 4th off if I work camp - and I'm also going to Vegas from July 26th to the 30th. MK and I are going up north together sometime, and I have to get together with Carly, Alaina, Kathleen, Scarlett, and my Sarah at least once, if not WAY more. Then... hopefully I'll be able to attend the Fowler Parish Festival with Lauren, Jess, and Kelsey like I have for the past 2 years. Might as well not break tradition! That would be tragic! Then... I have to see Tori, Erin, Ashley, Amara, and Jenna. If you think about it, this is going to be the longest summer I've ever had - and with almost nothing PLANNED - it's going to manage to be my most hectic. I also want to go to Cedar Point with Erin, Amy, MK, and Amoreena in there... and who knows if that will happen... but I do know that a summer without Cedar Point is like a Sunday night without Alias. Not acceptable... with work in there... it might as well be August 30th... which - wouldn't really hurt my feelings... except I wouldn't have a tan, and I wouldn't get all the extra MK time... so scratch that idea.

HUM... I think this entry is about drained my thought process... so I'm going to listen to loud music - and enjoy my roommateless inhabited 11x11 space until about five to eight. Peace out.


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