Maxis Cheats

Jan 13, 2010 14:44

As promised, all the Maxis cheats that come with the guides. From University to Apartment Life. I'm even including ones that I don't really ever use but I don't know if someone who reads this may have a use for it.

Also I'm following the text verbatim.

Summon the cheat window buy pressing Ctrl + Shift + C.

Base & Uni Cheats
Exit: Ckises Cheat window.

Expand: Expands or contracts the Cheat window.

Kaching: Adds §1,000 to houshold funds.

Motherlode: Adds §50,000 to household funds.

Help: Lists some, but not all cheats.

Autopatch [on/off]: Toggles notification of available game patches.

Moveobjects [on/off]: Move unmovable objects and put them in illegal places. Causes problems, so use carefully.

Aging [on/off]: Sims won't age.

Stretchskeleton [0.9-1.1]: Increases or decreases a Sim height compared to normal height. However, it may disrupt character animation.

Vsync [on/off]: Turning off increases game performance but with some graphical errors as the price.

faceBlendLimits [on/off]: Turns off some automatic corrections in Make a Child that fixes freakish combinations of widely divergent facial features. Results in frequent "freak children".

Neighborhood Cheats
deleteAllCharacters: At Neighborhood view only, removes every Sim from the neighborhood. Don't use unless it you have a very good reason.

TerrainType [desert/temperate]: Only in Neighborhood view. Toggles between two terrain types.

familyfuns [FAMILYNAME]#: Used in neighborhood view with a household selected either on thier lot or in the Family Bin. Insert the family name to be changed. The "#" equels the amount of money the family will have after the cheat is applied. If you want the Tester family with §5,000 to have §10,000, then click on their household or their icon in the Family Bin and input "familyfunds Tester 10000". If you instead want to add or subtract from a family funds, type "familyfunds Tester +5000". Either way, the Tester family will end up with §10,000.

roofslopeangle [15-17]: In build mode, adjusts the slope angle on all the roofs on a lot.

showHeadlines [on/off]: Makes invisible all thought ballons, realtionship change indicators and any other overhead headlines. Useful for making movies.

unlockCareerRewards: For the current selected Sim, all career reward objects are available in the reward panel.

maxMotives: Sets all needs for all playable and autonomus Sims on the lot to full. Sidenote from me: Works on cats and dogs too.

motiveDecay [on/off]: Turns natural need decay on or off.

aspirationPoints #: For the currently selected Sim, adds the specified number of Aspiration points to their total. This permits them to get more "expensive" Aspiration reward objects.

lockAspiration [on/off]: Freezes Aspiration point decay for all Sims on the lot.

aspirationLevel [0-5]: Changes Sims' Aspiration leve. 0 puts them in the loewst rung and 5 in the Platinum Aspiration level.

agesimscheat [on/off]: Adds "Set Age" to the Interaction menu. Any sim you click on can be set to any age group you desire.

AddneighbortoFamilycheat [on/off]: With this cheat activated, you can Shift + left click on an NPC to add to the current household. This won't work on service NPCs engaged in their jobs (ie Maid cleaning, Gardener gardening, etc) but will work if that same Sim is visiting socially or hanging out after finishing tasks. You can even add sims in excess of the customary 8 limit. Won't work on special NPCs like the Grim or Mrs. Crumplebottom.

Forcetwins: With a pregant sim selected, using this cheat transforms the pregancy into a twin birth. Unlike the Cheesecake where it's not a sure thing.

Plumbbobtoggle [on/off]: Makes the overhead plumb bob invisible.

boolprop controlpets [on/off]: Makes pets fully controllable. You can't however, cancel actions from their queue.

boolprop disablePuppyKittenAging [true/false]: Turns off aging for kittens and puppies.

boolprop petactioncancel [true/false]: Normally, you can't cancel actions in a pet's queue; they're grayed out. This cheat makes actions accessible so you can cancel anything your pet has chosen to do. This does not, however, make your pets controllable.

boolprop petsfreewill [true/false]: Turns off pet free will. They won't do anything unless you tell them to, and you can only tell them to with the other pet cheats.

boolprop showcatalogpflags [true/false]: Activates labels in the detail view of each Buy and Build mode object (except floor or wall coverings) to show which product they came.

deleteAllAwnings: Deletes all awnings on a lot.

deleteAllFences: Deletes all fences on a lot.

deleteAllHalfWalls: Deletes all half walls on lot.

deleteAllObjects [Doors/Windows/Stairs]: Deletes all windows, doors, and stairs on lot.

deleteAllWalls: Deletes all walls on a lot.

individualroofslopangle [15-17]: Activates a tool to change the roof slopes of individual roofs on lot.

Apartment Life
printLotClass: To see the lot's current social class. The cheat is only accurate just after saving a lot (home or apartment lots) or on load on community lots.

With a new keyboard cheat, you can now change a wall object's height. Here's how it's done: While holding the object on the wall with the Hand tool, press [ to move the object up the wall and ] to move the object down the wall.
When the object is the desired height, click to place it.

If there's an object already placed on the wall, you must first use Alt + Ctrl cheat, but don't click the mouse to place the object yet. While holding the object, pressing Alt + Ctrl turns the oject's placement indicator green to show that it can now be placed. You can release Alt + Ctrl and adjust the object's height on the wall as you like.

Original Post: Dec 11, 2006

maxis cheats

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