I'ma kill you.

Mar 15, 2011 10:39

Been ages since I been on here, huh? Sorry. Been in a bit of a slump. Actually I been raging about the place all tanked up on rage juice.

You want to know why?

So here’s how to know you’re onto a good thing-

People come up and tell you ‘ho fuck son, that’s a good thing you’re on to.’

You start making some cash off of that thing you’re good at

You yourself feel like Oh yes this is a very good thing I am doing

And last but not least


No word of a fuckin’ lie, I’ve got a copy cat. An’ it’s drivin’ me mental.

You know how people always say like aw well it’s the biggest form of flattery an’ aw that? Well them people can fuck off an’ die because I swear this is the most THE MOST frustrating thing ta ever happen to me in my life, an’ I am near fuckin’ breakin’ point- you don’t believe me? BELIEVE ME. I’ve not thought about startin’ a fight in over a year but I am about ready to jump on this boy right now. CUNT.

It CHEAPENS what I do, here’s the thing, it cheapens it, it makes me not want to bother putting in any time on working at this, like what is the point when some fucker just comes along an’ basically steals your lines, makes them WORSE an’ then says them back to you, an’ people just put up wiv this all the time? No wonder professional comedians repeat their old jokes at every show- they need you to remember it was them what came up with it in the first place.

An’ see my comedy, yeah? Well, that’s me- that stuff I come out with that’s essentially ME, you’ve stolen ME an’ now I don’t want to do it any more so wtf is the point, thanks for taking what essentially was the only thing I was any cop at since god knows, why don’t you go ahead an’ steal my boyfriend, no, seriously, go on, take him because you clearly have no boundaries- do you want my house? You might as well have it as you keep doin’ PECKHAM, WHITE CHAPEL AND ISLE OF DOGS JOKES WITH A HACKNEY ACCENT, YOU STUPID CUNT. Listen to me if you’re going to write material make it something YOU KNOW ok, don’t fucking rely on hearing about it second hand from me, it might actually help if you’d set FOOT in a high rise before, you fuckin’ ponce.

Im so over this.



So. How is everyone?

make it stop, is this really real?, someone's gettin stabbed, angryface, bad times, what do i do?, mine, wtf, luke, you have to be kidding me, denied, what a palava, people are twats, dirty casual, violent thug, fuck off

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