A bandwagon?

May 17, 2010 17:21

Peter Gabriel Broughton Sweet

2. MY GANGSTA NAME: (first three letters of your name and izzle)
Petizzle... I just lost 20 cool points by existing.

3. MY DETECTIVE NAME: (fave colour and fave animal)
Blue Wolf

4. MY SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name and the street you live on
I don't have a middle naaaame I just don't have a hyphen. But that being said; Gabriel Whitechapel

5. MY STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first)
Swepe... (friend of Sooty?)

6. MY SUPERHERO NAME: (your 2nd fave colour, and fave drink)
Lime milkshake (WORST. SUPERHERO. EVER)

7. MY WITNESS PROTECTION NAME: (parents middle names)
Edward Audry... Uuuugh no

8. MY GOTH NAME: (bloody and the name of one of your pets)
(Ok, so this could be so many, because puppies Christian names are Peaches Melba, Pixie Stix and Baby Shambles, but for a goooood goth name it's gotta be...) Bloody Stitches ;)

UGH so I'm in Manchester. Obviously. Stupid Manchester- I actually hate it here what is the point of this town? It's confusing and needlessly aggressive and I've already been asked if I've ever kissed a bald man and then PUNCHED when he realized I was a boy (SERIOUSLY I'm gonna get a tattoo on the back of my neck of I AM A BOY because this is sheer hell. Don't worry, punched him back) and AND asked if I knew what the BNF was- If I knew what the BNF was! Blimey. SO course I do, and then I was asked if I voted BNP, like, seriously, I get smacked on for looking like a girl and then I have to try and reinstate myself as a 'sound bloke' by admitting to be a bigoted inbred idiot so I said nah but my boyfriend did now that they've let the Asians in and then I LEGGED IT, SO SO FAST because I am only a whippet of a lad and skin heads will always frighten me except the ones I'm actually mates with. And they sometimes still frighten me and I'm supposed to be leader of the pack. I AM RAMBLING. Because uuuugh. Ok, because I'm in a room and Stitch isn't here just now and I'm bored and ANXIOUS™ and just yeaaah, and it's well strange still typing like this and WEIRDER speaking it and the people I'm with just now are all O.O at it so I just kind of... I dunno I don't feel very much like me even if this is my "natural" voice. Whatever Pete, stop talking.

Anyway be back in a couple of days, try not to miss me too much (HA)

PG x

it will be ok, is this really real?, someone's gettin stabbed, angryface, bored, i'll do anything for a greggs me, bad times, break my heart i'll break your face, exile, i dislike you intently, bad dog, i love him, help me, me boys, stitch, what a palava, fear, shut up pete, homosexuality is never right, people are twats, dirty casual, girl!pete- it's more likely than u think, violent thug, the first stone

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