(no subject)

Jul 10, 2009 16:40

» Journal: got_shotgun
» Birthdate/Age: 11/26/1984
» Characters Played: Amuro Ray, Ash

» Name: Chris Redfield
» Fandom: Resident Evil
» Reference:
» Canon Point: After the end of Code Veronica (late 1998)
» Gender: Male
» Age: 25
» Orientation: Chris's interests tend to lie more in the pursuit of justice and doing his job than in relations with the opposite sex, but there seems to be at least some sexual tension between he and his female partners, while he doesn't seem to show any particular attraction to any of his fellow male leads. I'd say he's heterosexual.

» Personality: Chris is a man who passionately believes in justice. He's dedicated his life to it's pursuit, first with the military, then with the police. He's a man who strongly holds on to his beliefs, and is more than willing to argue the with his superiors- a trait the first got him discharged from the military, and eventually threatened his position with the Racoon Police department, when he began to suspect that the police chief had ties with Umbrella. This has led to the thought that he has a problem with authority- which isn't exactly true. He's just a man who will do what he beleives to be right, regardless of how his superiors might view that.

His life and destiny were permanently changed when he first encountered the true face of the Umbrella corperation during the mansion incident in the Arklay mountains, and he has since dedicated himself to stamping out all traces of the T-Virus and bringing the heads of Umbrella to justice. This new determination has slowly begun to harden him, as he begins to question how an orginization such as umbrella can exist in a world if justice exists.

He's feircly protective of the things that are close to him, and will go through great lengths to keep those he loves from getting involved in his crusade. This means that he often disappears without a trace, having run off to face danger without alerting his friends, to keep them from following him into the line of fire. He's most protective of his sister Claire, with whom he has a special bond- orphaned at an early age, he considers her to be the single most important person in his life, and he'll go to any length to keep her safe.

» Appearance: Chris is a strong man- Having been in the military, he's extremily muscular, and he only continures to develop his muscle tone with time. He tends to keep his hair in a short, neat cut, and is usually fairly well groomed. Most of his outfits use green as their primary color.

» Knowing that characters will need to have sex to survive, and the fact that topics regarding sex in general may also arise, please explain to us the ways that your character is appropriate in mind for Amat: (Please note, this section only applies if your character was under the age of 18 before coming to Amat and will need to be "aged up") Character is of age.

» "amatomnes" Entry:
[He's looking rather incredulously into the camera.]

This some kind of phone? Never seen anything quite like this, but I guess...

Hello? Anybody there?

ey, I'm a bit lost here. Looks like I'm in some kind of hotel, but I don't really remember how I got here.

But that's not important right now... I was with my sister- she alright? Is she in another room here? Her name's Claire- Claire Redfield. I need to find her, right away.

» "amatomneslogs" Entry:
Chris turned in the bed. Comfortable. Light shining in from an open window bringing a sea air to his nose... wait. That's not... none of that's right... he was... He jerked upright, sheets falling from his bare chest. He was just flying a harrier with his sister. What was he doing here in what looked like some hotel room? Why did it feel like he'd just... He wasn't hurt, obviously he hadn't been in a planewreck... what happened? He wasn't the kind to black out, and he could tell he hadn't been drinking... How was he here, and more importantly, where was Claire? She'd been in the cockpit right behind him...

He quickly got up and got dressed. Something very strange was happening here and he'd get to the bottom of it, but first he had to find Claire. If he was here, she had to be too. So long as she was safe, then he could work out where they were and why. There- on the table, some kind of palm-top computer, and next to them his S.T.A.R.S. uniform. He looked around, but there didn't seem to be a phone... he decided to check the computer before he did anything else- it might hold some clue to what had happened.
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