Feb 15, 2005 14:27
Today: God do I hate tuesdays. I hate school now a days. My Mom told me last night i won't have a room for three months. I have to sleep on the couch for the next three months, and not to sound ungrateful but my mom and my dad wake up at five in the morning every morning and on weekends six. Fantastic. The only room i have a little privacy is gone. I should be thankful that I even have a roof over my head, I should re-phrase that I am grateful. I'm just being stupid, some people don't even have a house never mind thier own room. It will be fine. So these ridiculous tuesdays. Ever month seems to be getting worse and worse. I just need some cheering up. That will come on its own. Good things that happended today: Algebra quiz- Possibly could have pass?!?!?!?!
Thats somewhat it, but nothing bad happened.
Track meet tonight. Everyone should go! I need to run well tonight. I want to do well at states. Tonight is the night. iwishhewasgoing. haahaa. alright emo aliza. Last time I'll ever run the 4x4 with magaronni. :( I want to go shopping and get some new clothes I need a new look I'm sick of the way I dress. Work this weekend. :D maybe i'll make enough to fix whatever is wrong with my car. Alright kids, I think I'm going to go sleep and do some homework before the MEET TONIGHT AT VOC TECH 5:30 -7.
peace be with