Feb 04, 2005 14:25
DISCLAIMER: If you fit the below description....I'm sorry if I offended you....but mostly I'm just sorry for you.
Anime angers me....greatly. It seems like the majority of people who are anime-obsessed (no, not the occasional cartoon, or that weird sexual anime shit, I mean the people whose day-to-day routine practically revolves around it....as in they feel it's necessary to mention it often and hole themselves up absorbed in the paraphernalia for hours on end, some even going so far as to wear little trinkets that vaguely resemble something anime-ish) are putting themselves in danger of social retardation.
Sometimes I feel like certain parts of my body deform themselves for no reason at all except to spite me, because perhaps I did something bad. Can that happen? I don't know why I keep asking this. I've been asking this for years and no matter how many times people tell me that it doesn't happen I never believe them. So I guess don't waste your time then, right?
Do certain words really annoy you? There are some words I dislike so much I won't say, or even type.