May 14, 2005 16:02
happy b-day me lol
hey hey well yesterday was my b-day so much fun .well this is how it went thursday nite went out to eat with mari stephy mari n flavia n then mari suprised me at the house n ricky n mitch showed up n we stayed with them till it hit midnite cute cute great car ride home 6 ppl n rickys car yumness ( ying yang twins whisper)then the girlys slept at my house n blah blah. then friday after school we rented at the silver sands n mari stephy maggie lauren andrea n michy came mad ass cloth orgy then rene andres max santi mitch n will came to chill b4 the prom after parties then we went to the creek with santi it was fun glad to have cleared things up with lidi no drama it was good had a fun nite got home at 4 with yet another retarded car ride 11 ppl in seans car sam n i by far had the most comfortable seat till both our legs went numb n seans car wow i felt like a clown ...w/e then we wnet back to our hotel n mitch will and sean came randomness but fun i had a good great b-day i love you guys and ill post pics tomorrow when i get them
<3 the girlys ..andrea lauren mari maggie michelle stephy <3
- and by far the most important thing for everyone to know is that andrea rox my fucking world.
never!( andrea : )