Jun 26, 2005 20:09
i have been feeling very blah lately.. i don't feel very gung-ho about anything besides, maybe, reading. sorry if i have been neglecting you (no one in particular) or things. i don't know what it is but it just feels like things that shouldn't be are becoming chores and i don't like it.
on the up side:
i went to the frye and to SAM last week and saw some art. the isamu noguchi show was pretty rad and i would recommend it to anyone (in fact i did recommend it to a customer today) and at the frye there is a pretty crazy german propaganda type show which is also interesting, so if you feel like going to a museum and you're in seattle you should go there because it's free and they always have good shows. now i have to go work on some things. my sister and mom are leaving for mexico in the morning.