Jun 28, 2015 01:57
Newest at the top!
Drop post camp vacation demands for Tuesday soup[dec apps]
mistletoe, Elphaba personality fruits Kivat leaves new counselors[nov counselors]
Elphaba Firestarter and Elphaba one night to live?[oct 23rd apps]
Percy intro Mary Shrodinger intro Scarecrow Personaaaaa stories with Kino Claire[oct 2nd apps]
Mio pregnant? little children Zex[sep campers]
Elphaba and dreams Zero's horse must be this tall to... drink lemonade?[camper apps]
baaaby Warren Classy kegger, Deb Classy kegger, Zero two boys and kitten Anvilicious Zero-wolf, Sera Zero is a wolf buzzing fly Kivat Elphaba and apples devil horns and counseling Indiana Jones[counselors]
Harmony goes bad new angel? laaate mistletoe continuation, Elphaba 4th 4th: Deb 4th: Prussia Moar continuations Mistletoe continuation, Daisuke Mistletoe continuation, Deb Mistletoe continuation Mistletoe, Zero Mistletoe, Daisuke Mistletoe, Debra Misltetoe Elphaba Debra Kaidou[late june apps]
IC relationships, Elphaba IC relationships, Mio Rain, Elphaba twenty questions Debra and bandages Axe-crazy (multiple threads) leashes England shot money poll shocking UST, Elphaba Mason and Elphaba bedninja Rath talking about Marcy clothing swap pool hall camp faq sad FF cast near fire[june campers]
Post de-hiatus, Zero De-hiatus IC hiatus post Piano feet (multiple threads) Dream post, Mio Dream post, Kagari[may campers]
bitty Zero truth post Yotsuba epic fightpost emo candygrams, Zero Confessionals Hell... girl? Wataru's violin varnish Zero needs blood Mulan is a boy Yuuto in mess hall lady vamp[April campers]
Zero and Chris training mingle post Mio's sign bakery Lady's poolhall Mio's computer virus[march counselors]
picnic baskets Crossdressers ball, Elphaba Crossdressers ball, Daisuke Crossdressers ball Doing his counselor job love triangle advice[march campers]
Akward moments people in the lake Zombie cooking FF cast bonfire[feb apps]
Piano Philosophical discussions moogle killer wizardry book post Library post Maladict and ghoooosty happenings? dream post planning attack on the shepherds Pimp post, Zero trouble in the library trouble in the library, Elphaba Bedninja post Rio intro Devin intro Wall wolves Thobari Wataru's post Yozak's post[Jan apps]
Spike and Dru Zero Closet with Daisuke Stuck inna closet Daisuke's timeflower Timeflower Red X, suspicious Mini-marcy Blood-syrup? Mason and Elphaba Wataru's music Doused in sparkles coming out post Lassiter and exploding snowglobes summoned gift giving Andrew intro[dec apps]
Buffy and Kon leave Thor's day Meeting Elisa Deb is sick Frollo Ice skating? Mistletoe, Deb Mistletoe, Lassiter Mistletoe, England Mistletoe, Daisuke meeting Mal[counselors]
Domyoji's bad day Two truths and a lie Wataru post, de-ex-wifing[Oct 31st]
Halloween: ex-wife wrry Match made? Matchmaker, matchmaker Stuck in demon-face Boggart post Library mix-ups Wataru and Kivat; married?![Sep voting round]
note for psychics post Bubbles? Sexuality switching? Wataru, Kivat and violins Cordy leaves on Mazoku Dreampost Kivat intro River intro Kizna's memories post Zidane post about Moogles Domyoji. pings wrry Otoya and Wataru's been having nightmares? D: Lassiter Library Out for a walk, kinda bored Stupid grumpy-person pings Den-O intro: Ryoutarou Den-O intro: Wataru Den-O intro First lesson Lassiter turns into a vacuum Kurt post Squid-post: Wataru Squid-post Counselor party, Yuki Counselor party Mason, Elphaba and Wataru Kiiiivaaaaa. (I happen to love Doyle's demon icons, yes) Awwwwkwaaaaard meeting with Buffy Library with fellow teacher It's raining men. and other things Kas and liquor. Bidoofs Ando's poll Lassiter Intropost First thread