Mar 25, 2008 18:24
Konbawa minna-san! (Good evening everybody!)
Well, this is it.
It's the night before I leave for my "great adventure" and I am a bundle of nerves!! Everyone (and I do mean everyone!) has given me all sorts of advice on flying, taking care of myself, etc. and yet it doesn't make me feel better. I keep expecting to be able to come home or to wake up from a long dream. .....BUT IT'S NOT!!!!! I'm going to live my dream, a dream I've had since as far back as I can remember.
Though, underneath all the nervousness and packing and waiting, I am looking forward to this. I'm told that when arrive I might be able to see some sakura (cherry blossoms), and with any luck, when my plane is in Tokyo maybe I can catch a glimpse of the Tokyo Tower!! That would be nice, but I'm pretty sure the Narita airport is quite a ways away from the tower but, whatever! I can hope!!
At this time (since I still have other stuff to pack) I would like to thank everyone for what they've done. Like keeping me from going insane, thinking all the worse possible senarios, getting me involved in traveling aboard, getting all that lousy paperwork work done and most importantly for teaching me the Japanese language and of its finer nuisances.
Honto ni arigatou gozimasu (Thank you very much!) to my family, to their friends and its members. Bryn and Jen R for keeping me company while I was away from school for 3 and half months! (I love you guys!) To Erin, it's her fault for suggesting I go see Michele of the OIA in the first place and I thank you for that. To IUP's Office of International Affairs, thank you for helping me with all that paperwork and the problems that came with it. To my teacher, Atsushi-sensei, and to my conversation partner Tomoko, you guys are the best and thanks for teaching me!
Ciao for Now(^_~)