Cut Me, Baby

Nov 17, 2010 13:46

DOOOOD. Tryin' out an ljcut. Consider me no longer virginal. ;D

A week or so ago, I was little bit sick. A cold that was going around. My son, Samuel Mason was a LOT sick, and was upset and crying a lot. And that's when my husbank noticed something. My nipples had been sore for nearly the whole time Sam was sick, and then they started leaking. A problem that I haven't had since I was pregnant.

I freaked the fuck out because, hello? So not a good time for me to find out I was knocked up again. But I was confused, cuz I have an intrauterine contraceptive in place, Mirena, and unless my husband suddenly devolped super-sperm, I was pretty sure I couldn't actually, you know, get pregnant.

Sam got better, though, and I stopped lactacting. I got my period, the terrible splotchy thing it is while on the birth control, so I'm in the clear. But seriously? I was so scared, and nervous. I can barely handle one baby; what the hell would I do with another? Food for thought.


got-fanfiction :3


wow, boobs, it's a note from my real life

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