Preferred characters and/or pairings: Starks: Jon, Sansa, Arya. Lannisters: All of them, including Joffrey, Myrcella & Tommen. Tyrells: All of them. Greyjoys: Theon, Asha, Victarion, Aeron. Martells: Arianne. Targaryens: Dany, Viserys, (f)Aegon. Baratheons: Stannis, Renly, Shireen. Other: Brienne, Sam Tarly, Davos, Melisandre. Pairings: Jaime/Brienne, Jaime/Cersei, Sansa/Happiness, Asha/Anyone She Pleases, Arianne/Anyone She Pleases, bittersweet non-sexual Theon/Jeyne Poole, Sam/Gilly, Stannis/Davos.
Characters and/or pairings you do NOT want to see/read about: No Sansa/Sandor, Sansa/Petyr, Sansa/Tyrion, or Sansa/Jaime. (On the other hand, Sansa paired with Jon, Stannis, Margaery, Loras, Willas, or basically anyone else but her siblings is fine.) No Starkcest unless it involves Jon as a known cousin.
What genre of fic/art do you generally want? Anything! I have diverse appetites.
Give at least four and up to six prompts you would like to see written/drawn:
1. Open Ended: Sansa/Happiness. It might be romantic, it might not. A happy, perhaps a bit bittersweet, but overall good future for Sansa. What would it be?
2. Stannis/Lysa. AU. Instead of Jon Arryn, young Lysa Tully weds rebel Robert Baratheon's dour brother Stannis at the same time that Ned and Catelyn are wed. Stannis does not show his wife affection, but he does offer her respect and consideration, which she's never before experienced, and while her romantic nature and closeness unsettles him a little, it also unbends him a bit. Somehow they come to an understanding, if not love.
3. Theon (and Jeyne and/or Asha) post-ADWD. It can focus on the Iron Islands and a future kingsmoot, or a battle at the Wall against the Others, or the probable near-future battle to retake Winterfell. It could also go farther and speculate as to the future of the Iron Islands, if Theon has a place there. I am very curious to see where Theon's character arc goes, and how he goes on - *if* he goes on. Character death is okay, but so is heroism and hope.
4. AU: Asha makes her way aboard one of Victarion's ships traveling to Dany and Meereen with the goal of wooing *herself* a Dragon Queen, Uncle Vic and Uncle Euron be damned. Mostly interested in Victarion - Asha - Dany interaction, and the reactions of characters like Tyrion, Jorah, and Barristan. Not opposed to threesome action.
5. Brienne and Sandor relationship or friendship. Context is whatever - trying to save Sansa and/or Arya (with or without Jaime), serving Sansa as Queensguard, or even go with an AU of their show-canon meeting, though I'd prefer something more of Brienne's book characterization. I would just love to see these characters interact because their show meeting was pretty damn entertaining, despite the characterization issues.
6. Wildcard: Anything focusing on any of my favorite pairings or characters using this quotation as a prompt:
"The one charm of the past is that it is the past." - Oscar Wilde
Your pet peeves and other things you DO NOT WANT in your story/art: Nothing comes to mind beyond the Do Not Want list above.
Are you willing to pinch hit? You can ask but probably not.
Preferred characters and/or pairings:
Starks: Jon, Sansa, Arya. Lannisters: All of them, including Joffrey, Myrcella & Tommen. Tyrells: All of them. Greyjoys: Theon, Asha, Victarion, Aeron. Martells: Arianne. Targaryens: Dany, Viserys, (f)Aegon. Baratheons: Stannis, Renly, Shireen. Other: Brienne, Sam Tarly, Davos, Melisandre. Pairings: Jaime/Brienne, Jaime/Cersei, Sansa/Happiness, Asha/Anyone She Pleases, Arianne/Anyone She Pleases, bittersweet non-sexual Theon/Jeyne Poole, Sam/Gilly, Stannis/Davos.
Characters and/or pairings you do NOT want to see/read about: No Sansa/Sandor, Sansa/Petyr, Sansa/Tyrion, or Sansa/Jaime. (On the other hand, Sansa paired with Jon, Stannis, Margaery, Loras, Willas, or basically anyone else but her siblings is fine.) No Starkcest unless it involves Jon as a known cousin.
What genre of fic/art do you generally want?
Anything! I have diverse appetites.
Give at least four and up to six prompts you would like to see written/drawn:
1. Open Ended: Sansa/Happiness. It might be romantic, it might not. A happy, perhaps a bit bittersweet, but overall good future for Sansa. What would it be?
2. Stannis/Lysa. AU. Instead of Jon Arryn, young Lysa Tully weds rebel Robert Baratheon's dour brother Stannis at the same time that Ned and Catelyn are wed. Stannis does not show his wife affection, but he does offer her respect and consideration, which she's never before experienced, and while her romantic nature and closeness unsettles him a little, it also unbends him a bit. Somehow they come to an understanding, if not love.
3. Theon (and Jeyne and/or Asha) post-ADWD. It can focus on the Iron Islands and a future kingsmoot, or a battle at the Wall against the Others, or the probable near-future battle to retake Winterfell. It could also go farther and speculate as to the future of the Iron Islands, if Theon has a place there. I am very curious to see where Theon's character arc goes, and how he goes on - *if* he goes on. Character death is okay, but so is heroism and hope.
4. AU: Asha makes her way aboard one of Victarion's ships traveling to Dany and Meereen with the goal of wooing *herself* a Dragon Queen, Uncle Vic and Uncle Euron be damned. Mostly interested in Victarion - Asha - Dany interaction, and the reactions of characters like Tyrion, Jorah, and Barristan. Not opposed to threesome action.
5. Brienne and Sandor relationship or friendship. Context is whatever - trying to save Sansa and/or Arya (with or without Jaime), serving Sansa as Queensguard, or even go with an AU of their show-canon meeting, though I'd prefer something more of Brienne's book characterization. I would just love to see these characters interact because their show meeting was pretty damn entertaining, despite the characterization issues.
6. Wildcard: Anything focusing on any of my favorite pairings or characters using this quotation as a prompt:
"The one charm of the past is that it is the past." - Oscar Wilde
Your pet peeves and other things you DO NOT WANT in your story/art:
Nothing comes to mind beyond the Do Not Want list above.
Are you willing to pinch hit?
You can ask but probably not.
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