Active email address: janietangerine at gmail dot com
Have you read (all) the books? Have you seen the show? Do you have any book vs. show preferences?: read all the books except the novellas, seen all the show, I prefer book characterization when concerning Robb and Talisa vs Jeyne, Jaime's characterization and in regards of the changes they made in S4 with Jon/Bran/the Northern storyline (PYP AND GRENN NEVER DIED), but for the rest I have no issues. (Though I'll probably leave more book-based prompts.)
What kind of gift can you make? Fic and/or fanart? fic.
Preferred characters and/or pairings: Jaime/Brienne, Robb/Theon, Jon/Sam, Sansa/Sandor, Davos/Stannis, Jon/Ygritte, Jon/Theon, Asha & Theon (gen or shippy, same), Ned/Ashara Dayne, Theon/Jeyne P.; any of those characters singularly. Characters not mentioned in the pairings: Jon Connington, Oberyn, the Blackfish, the Sand Snakes, Mance Rayder, wildlings/Wall people. I'm amenable to threesomes with the aforementioned characters.
Characters and/or pairings you will NOT draw/write about: characters: Boltons, Freys, Gregor Clegane, Cersei, Targaryens unless it’s Jon Connington/Rhaegar, Littlefinger, Melisandre, Greyjoys that aren’t Asha and/or Theon, I'm not overly interested in the Tyrells. I’m not great at femslash pairings generally but I could make exceptions. pairings: Jaime/Sansa, Jon/Daenerys, Jaime/Cersei (I can do it peripherally but not as the main one), Sansa/Margaery. Show-only prompts: please no Talisa-centered prompts or Robb/Talisa. (Jeyne Westerling is perfectly good.)
What kind of genres can you write? my favorites are AUs, bittersweet angst and crack without redeeming qualities, but as long as it’s not in the next section I can work with whatever. Any genre/ratings are fine.
Anything else I should know when I assign prompts to you? no non-con or mpreg or a/b/o - anything else is a go.
What kind of gift do you want to receive?
Fic and/or fanart? either is good but I think I have more fic-suited prompts?
Preferred characters and/or pairings: Jaime/Brienne, Robb/Theon, Sansa/Sandor, Jon/Sam, Robb-centric gen, Theon & Asha (or well, I wouldn't be against Theon/Robb/Asha), Jon/Theon, Stannis/Davos, Jon/Ygritte, Oberyn/anyone but the people I don't want, Ned/Ashara Dayne, Pyp/Grenn, the Blackfish, Mance Rayder, Tormund, Jon Connington.
Characters and/or pairings you do NOT want to see/read about: Littlefinger, Gregor Clegane, Ramsay Bolton (goes with please no Theon/Ramsay), Joffrey, Viserys, Jaime/Sansa, Jaime/Cersei as a main ship (referenced in Jaime/Brienne is totally okay), Jon/Daenerys, Littlefinger, Selyse, Talisa (goes with please no Robb/Talisa), Sansa/Margaery.
What genre of fic/art do you generally want? no preferences in regards of gen/het/slash. Any rating is fine. I won't say no to sexytimes but don't feel obliged. My main preferences are AUs (different setting or alternative canon - modern AUs are totally awesome too), amnesia fic, angst with hopeful endings and humor/crack. My bulletproof kink are consensual power play and crossdressing, but just go with whatever the prompts inspire. I'm easy to please. I'd rather not have a totally tragic ending, but if it's where the prompt brings you, feel free to go wherever.
Give at least four and up to six prompts you would like to see written/drawn:
1. Robb/Theon, anyone can have a name, but it's not worth anything until it means something to at least one person. [this thing is basically a quote from a movie I've seen dubbed, then I saw it in English and the original version was something else entirely but I think this particular phrasing applies to them so sorry I can't provide the source XD]
2. Jaime/Brienne, improbable post-series AU where they both survived and got together. I don't care about the circumstances but give me an outsider POV (or more than one) that starts with 'this is never going to work' and ends with 'I wouldn't have bet on it but these two are really perfect for each other'.
3. Friendly crack-ish prompt recycled from last round because I like it: theater company AU focusing on preferred characters/ships, not necessarily modern (18th/19th century? Early 20th century? I can also work with proper modern AU obviously). Preferred characters/ships centered, but feel free to add in whoever. They have to put on a play (or musical if you want it to be current times. Or opera. Or whatever as long as it happens on a stage) and they don't have too much time. It goes as well as one can imagine. No particular preferences for who does what but if Stannis is the director and Davos is the stage manager (and incidentally the only person in the company Stannis doesn't want to murder) I'll love you forever.
4. possibly very vague ASOS spoilers Random gen prompt: since GRRM apparently likes to destroy families/separate siblings, take a pair of siblings who are currently estranged/hating each other/you name it and fix it. Preferred options would be Jaime and Tyrion, Theon and Asha or any of the remaining Stark kids meeting up again (Jon counts too in that sense), heck even Sam and any of his sisters/his brother, but if you have better ideas for anyone else that isn't in the dnw category, by all means go for it. (Canon handwaving is absolutely acceptable).
5. crack prompt the second (sort of): Jon Connington/whichever guy you deem fit, improbable post-series scenario: he survives and gets to keep his lands/isn't exiled again (Aegon can be king or not, really I don't care how it happens as long as it happens) and he hooks up for good with someone who makes him get over Rhaegar and is totally into him. Basically: please give this guy a nice boyfriend because he deserves it. I don't really have a preference as far as who the other guy is (maybe the Blackfish could be cool?), as long as he's a canonically existing character (please no OCs) and they're not on my 'do not want' list I'm good with anyone.
6. crack prompt the third: Jon/Sam, everyone at the Wall (ie Pyp/Grenn/Satin/etc) sees that it's meant to be except the two of them. Matchmaking attempts follow. Set it at any point you wish/feel free to go AU - doesn't have to be necessarily in book one. If any wildling is involved, I'm down with it.
Your pet peeves and other things you DO NOT WANT in your story/art: character bashing, random characters (or Lannisters for that matter) turning up to be secret Targaryens, R+L = J being a main part of the story, the stuff I don't want to write.
Are you willing to pinch hit? Most probably I could.
Have you read (all) the books? Have you seen the show? Do you have any book vs. show preferences?: read all the books except the novellas, seen all the show, I prefer book characterization when concerning Robb and Talisa vs Jeyne, Jaime's characterization and in regards of the changes they made in S4 with Jon/Bran/the Northern storyline (PYP AND GRENN NEVER DIED), but for the rest I have no issues. (Though I'll probably leave more book-based prompts.)
What kind of gift can you make?
Fic and/or fanart? fic.
Preferred characters and/or pairings: Jaime/Brienne, Robb/Theon, Jon/Sam, Sansa/Sandor, Davos/Stannis, Jon/Ygritte, Jon/Theon, Asha & Theon (gen or shippy, same), Ned/Ashara Dayne, Theon/Jeyne P.; any of those characters singularly. Characters not mentioned in the pairings: Jon Connington, Oberyn, the Blackfish, the Sand Snakes, Mance Rayder, wildlings/Wall people. I'm amenable to threesomes with the aforementioned characters.
Characters and/or pairings you will NOT draw/write about: characters: Boltons, Freys, Gregor Clegane, Cersei, Targaryens unless it’s Jon Connington/Rhaegar, Littlefinger, Melisandre, Greyjoys that aren’t Asha and/or Theon, I'm not overly interested in the Tyrells. I’m not great at femslash pairings generally but I could make exceptions. pairings: Jaime/Sansa, Jon/Daenerys, Jaime/Cersei (I can do it peripherally but not as the main one), Sansa/Margaery. Show-only prompts: please no Talisa-centered prompts or Robb/Talisa. (Jeyne Westerling is perfectly good.)
What kind of genres can you write? my favorites are AUs, bittersweet angst and crack without redeeming qualities, but as long as it’s not in the next section I can work with whatever. Any genre/ratings are fine.
Anything else I should know when I assign prompts to you? no non-con or mpreg or a/b/o - anything else is a go.
What kind of gift do you want to receive?
Fic and/or fanart? either is good but I think I have more fic-suited prompts?
Preferred characters and/or pairings: Jaime/Brienne, Robb/Theon, Sansa/Sandor, Jon/Sam, Robb-centric gen, Theon & Asha (or well, I wouldn't be against Theon/Robb/Asha), Jon/Theon, Stannis/Davos, Jon/Ygritte, Oberyn/anyone but the people I don't want, Ned/Ashara Dayne, Pyp/Grenn, the Blackfish, Mance Rayder, Tormund, Jon Connington.
Characters and/or pairings you do NOT want to see/read about: Littlefinger, Gregor Clegane, Ramsay Bolton (goes with please no Theon/Ramsay), Joffrey, Viserys, Jaime/Sansa, Jaime/Cersei as a main ship (referenced in Jaime/Brienne is totally okay), Jon/Daenerys, Littlefinger, Selyse, Talisa (goes with please no Robb/Talisa), Sansa/Margaery.
What genre of fic/art do you generally want? no preferences in regards of gen/het/slash. Any rating is fine. I won't say no to sexytimes but don't feel obliged. My main preferences are AUs (different setting or alternative canon - modern AUs are totally awesome too), amnesia fic, angst with hopeful endings and humor/crack. My bulletproof kink are consensual power play and crossdressing, but just go with whatever the prompts inspire. I'm easy to please. I'd rather not have a totally tragic ending, but if it's where the prompt brings you, feel free to go wherever.
1. Robb/Theon, anyone can have a name, but it's not worth anything until it means something to at least one person. [this thing is basically a quote from a movie I've seen dubbed, then I saw it in English and the original version was something else entirely but I think this particular phrasing applies to them so sorry I can't provide the source XD]
2. Jaime/Brienne, improbable post-series AU where they both survived and got together. I don't care about the circumstances but give me an outsider POV (or more than one) that starts with 'this is never going to work' and ends with 'I wouldn't have bet on it but these two are really perfect for each other'.
3. Friendly crack-ish prompt recycled from last round because I like it: theater company AU focusing on preferred characters/ships, not necessarily modern (18th/19th century? Early 20th century? I can also work with proper modern AU obviously). Preferred characters/ships centered, but feel free to add in whoever. They have to put on a play (or musical if you want it to be current times. Or opera. Or whatever as long as it happens on a stage) and they don't have too much time. It goes as well as one can imagine. No particular preferences for who does what but if Stannis is the director and Davos is the stage manager (and incidentally the only person in the company Stannis doesn't want to murder) I'll love you forever.
4. possibly very vague ASOS spoilers Random gen prompt: since GRRM apparently likes to destroy families/separate siblings, take a pair of siblings who are currently estranged/hating each other/you name it and fix it. Preferred options would be Jaime and Tyrion, Theon and Asha or any of the remaining Stark kids meeting up again (Jon counts too in that sense), heck even Sam and any of his sisters/his brother, but if you have better ideas for anyone else that isn't in the dnw category, by all means go for it. (Canon handwaving is absolutely acceptable).
5. crack prompt the second (sort of): Jon Connington/whichever guy you deem fit, improbable post-series scenario: he survives and gets to keep his lands/isn't exiled again (Aegon can be king or not, really I don't care how it happens as long as it happens) and he hooks up for good with someone who makes him get over Rhaegar and is totally into him. Basically: please give this guy a nice boyfriend because he deserves it. I don't really have a preference as far as who the other guy is (maybe the Blackfish could be cool?), as long as he's a canonically existing character (please no OCs) and they're not on my 'do not want' list I'm good with anyone.
6. crack prompt the third: Jon/Sam, everyone at the Wall (ie Pyp/Grenn/Satin/etc) sees that it's meant to be except the two of them. Matchmaking attempts follow. Set it at any point you wish/feel free to go AU - doesn't have to be necessarily in book one. If any wildling is involved, I'm down with it.
Your pet peeves and other things you DO NOT WANT in your story/art: character bashing, random characters (or Lannisters for that matter) turning up to be secret Targaryens, R+L = J being a main part of the story, the stuff I don't want to write.
Are you willing to pinch hit? Most probably I could.
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