Voxtrot | Studio A | Miami, FL
I guess I'll start of with the venue- Studio A. Really a nice place... really. I mean it's got couches on the side, coffee tables lined with
candles and a
bar bigger than the dance floor. Two bars, actually. A place I deemed "too indie for cameras" which is why I didn't take pictures of the place before it filled up. Here's a quick shot of the crowd with a cameo by Jared Van Fleet walking over to his band's merch table:
As you can see, the crowd is not very close to the stage (I was sitting on a comfy couch by the railing) during the second opening act, The Postmarks. I didn't take pictures of
Jesse Jackson's set because I didn't want to ruin the mood with my bright LCD screen and annoying flash. I enjoyed his set way more than The Postmarks
Their set would have been more enjoyable if the lead vocalist didn't just stand there looking like the girl from The Ring.
It was around 11:30pm when members of Voxtrot started setting up the stage. They went up almost at 12am. It was well worth the wait:
That's Ramesh, Jason and Mitch. Here's a shot of Jared on the keys:
They opened their set with Introduction and Kid Gloves from their new album. Two great songs that had everyone jumping and dancing around. Ramesh and Jason like to do this cute little thing where they jump in unison to songs. My camera didn't catch it in action, though. Saaaaaad face.
But I did catch Jason flying solo!
The band then switch gears to play Ghost and Steven with Ramesh and Jared trading places:
He's got a heart of gold, man, it beats like a drum. During Steven:
I'm really digging this next shot of Jason. You can see Mitch peeking out from his corner. And now that I think about it, I didn't get any pictures of the drummer, Matt. Oops!
I wish I'd written the setlist down as it was happening because I forgot most of the songs and the order in which they were played. This is somewhere in the middle of the set:
They played Your Biggest Fan, Brother in Conflict and Raised By Wolves somewhere in between.
'Sup, QT.
We're nearing the end of the setlist now. They snuck in Blood Red Blood and Missing Pieces... maybe even Whiskey if my memory serves me correctly.
Ramesh throws down them 'bows, lol:
Jason is all about the rock and roll poses, srsly:
For real real, he is in all the great shots:
A sweaty Voxtrot leaves the stage amidst cheers and tears:
After a few minutes, Ramesh comes out to explain that Mitch's guitar suffered a casualty and the band won't be able to come out for an encore :*****(
Fine, fine. If you reeeeeally want another song, I guess I can play one by myself... I'll just ask my "tour manager" to bring my acoustic up here.
While Ramesh was setting up, Jared took over the mic to tell us how awesome it is to play a city for the first time and actually have people know the music. You're welcome, Jared.
OK, here goes! I hope you like it!
The Future Pt.1: But hey, this is the future and we don't grow up like that. Oh, we grow teeth and we grow nails and we scratch to the bottom of meaning.
After the great acoustic break, Mitch announced that his guitar was restrung and ready to go. And what did they play? The Start of Something-- the most requested song of the night!!
Sorry that my camera picks up so much bass...
The band plays Good Vibrations to the tune of a siren. Who turned the siren on? The world may never know... my bet's on the sound guy- I bet he was annoyed at the guys for continuously asking for sound corrections during their set. Or, hey, maybe it really was a terrorist attack :O
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Here's the band playing Kid Gloves. Watch it if only for Ramesh's silly dancing
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More Silly Ramesh and a little bit of guitar-playing Jared!
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Raised By Wolves is one of my favorites! I was so happy when they played it!
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I didn't take the following video but it is FUCKING AWESOME.
It's Ramesh playing The Future, Pt. 1.
And finally, here is a tasty sampler: [