T-SIX DAYS Till Departure!

Jul 03, 2007 18:59

So things are getting down to the wire. I've made list after list of things i need to get/buy/pack/research and have spent the last couple of days getting it all together. Unfortunately i'm going to be WAY poorer than i had originally thought. I counted on having about $500 cash when i get to Aussie-land after i get my last paycheck and pay off all my cards. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!!!

as it stands now i have $2,200 on my Chase (0% interest so not too worried about it right now), $600 on my BofA card which has to be paid off next month, and $2,500 in my BofA savings account. My last check will only be around $2,200 and I won't even see it for another 3 weeks! Bottom Line, i'm going to have to start dipping into my savings account now instead of next month when i had planned. SHIT

In other news, I started taking those damn diet pills that my sister gave me which means I'm a very happy person right now. i gave a bum $10 today... I NEVER give bums money, EVER! I've gained SOO much weight since i moved back home, it's not even fucking funny. 15 pounds! I don't even fit into half of my pants anymore! I went to Victoria's Secret (sale!) and got measured they said i was a D... A FUCKING D!! i've never been a D! I think she was lying to me though, my boobs arn't that big, but if they are, i blame it on getting fatter! i have a week to drop at least 10 pounds, it's doable.

my grandparents are coming into town today which means i have to clean the whole place and pretend it's normally like this, damn. They want me to move all my shit out of the apartment incase they want to use it... as unlikely as it is, i dont think that's going to happen....

I need to stop spending money!

i keep buying frivolous stuff, but shit that i've wanted/need to by for a while
1. new phone (160)
2. teeth whitening trays (150)
3. dentist work (180)
4. Contacts (100)
5. refill on blush/concealer (50)
6. luggage (360)
7. camera (380)
8. random clothing (150)
9. Aussie Visa (400)
10. Int'l health Ins. (350)

it's getting depressing. I'm just really glad i opted out of the iPhone purchase and a new iPod, that really would've fucked me over.
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