Well. I fail at posting. I haven't had the inspiration or them time to be honest.
For a start, I have been watching alot of Family Guy and Two And A Half Men. I think like everyone here would have seen them both but they do deserve a mention, being both genius :) The Apprentice is getting going now and its like my abseloute favouritte TV show ever fair play. Big Bang Theory + Inbetweeners is definately hilarious if not a little inconsistant.
Filmwise, 17 Again is very good. Funny and a bit heart warming. and Zac Efron says dick :) (8). The Knowing is sort of good. The first hour or so is like incredible mind-blowing film, with realistic idea's and plane crashes and shit. but then aliens come and the world blows up, which kills it (4). and Lesbian Vampire Killers is a bit crap,its just funny.
Musicwise, I have been listening to a huge range of music.
A Skylit Drive are insanely good, 'Wires And The Concept Of Breathing' is like the perfect post hardcore song even though lead Jordan Blakes voice is a bit...odd.
We Are The Ocean have recently released their mini-album and it is seriously is the best sounding music ever. (its called God Damn Good :])
Sunny Day Real Estate is a band who still obsesses me, 'Faces In Disguise' is just amazing.
A Day To Remember are perfect though. Everysong is just sickk. 'A Shot In The Dark' + 'The Danger In Starting A Fire' I have listened to 76 times in a week. EACH.
Demi Lovato is ace. As is Miley's new song :) + Jonas brothers. (Hate on me if you will)
I'm seriously excited about these albums
- Paramores Third Album (un-named as of yet)
- Enter Shikari's Common Dreads
- Blink 182's
- Green Day's
- Master Shortie's 'ADHD'
- Motion City Soundtrack's
Micheal Buckley (What The Buck) is still kicking out the best webcast thingys around, they are so funny and you see stuff differently, worth a look.
I got twitter :)
www.twitter.com/got_andrex if anyone cares:)
As I used to say, if you even read this or got anything from this, please post a tiny comment :)
(p.s in my life, my dad is basically an angry man who lives in my house and has the authority to punish me for no reason. i kissed the girl i love and nothing happened which is worse than before, but i wont give up. and i am too unmotivated to do any work so i will fail life (y))