Jun 05, 2011 17:52
[ Video ✟ Action - Violet City ]
[ Our heroic protagonist is once again caught in an action-packed day of adven-- ]
I don't have time for narrative! I told YOU--
[ She thrusts an accusatory finger at a large shoulder bag sitting in the middle of the floor, six tentacles flopping about. ]
--ALL three of you--how I accidentally managed to catch two more of you gross things during that horrible storm weeks ago and immediately lose your balls is beyond me--to stay away! Releasing you into the wild in the woods didn't work, locking you in my room at the inn didn't work, and now you're stalking me and going to get me into trouble.
I finally got a job that isn't cruddy and now you're going to ruin that by being all gross in front of the manager!
[ Kanako is waitressing this week, you see. The bag of three Tentacools somehow inexplicably escaped her locked room and found its way to her workplace. ]
I get to wear a cute skirt and have a reason to interact with girls and you're going to ruin it. Please go back. Please.
[ Kanako groans and, at the command of her manager, goes to find a mop; all the while her Ralts has been using the PokéGear to record its master, unknown to her. ]
Wait. WHAT?!
!location: violet city