
Mar 18, 2003 18:23

the mysteries of Amanda's ebil ear revealed (nyar nyar nyar)-

at last, mefriends, the secret to my 'orrible 'earing 'oss 'as been discovered.
appy parent ently, an out-of-control calcium disease-type thingumy has been building its little home thingumy in my ear, like, and, janno, having lil' calcium children and feeding them from the local bone grocery store.

This would be said "grocery store" (minus the dime)- the three bones of the inner ear.
Now, our calcium friends ate up aaaallll of that one waaayyy on the right, that being the stapes, a lil unimportant vibrating thing. *cough* And half of the one just to its left, that being the incus, which lets the stapes and that bone all the way to the left, the malleus, know that each other exist. except that it doesn't. hah!

anyway. three more surgeries are required- one to drill into the back of my skull and remove all those nasty calcium thinguymies that have been my loyal propogating friends since I was, what, eighteen months old. the second surgery occurs a year later, to make sure they haven't set up house again and to remove a bone sample required to make the prostesis Manda needs for the third and final surgery, during which the nonexistent bones are substituted for and, mayhap, work like they might in the ear of a person who can hear a hella lot better than I.

what I'd really like to know, however, is how I can hear out of that ear with those two lil unimportant bones missing.

meanwhile! I recover from that nasty lil surgery, while the seven other people in my house act awfully nice to me, high on life and those grooovy painkillers Stone gave me. nyar nyar nyar. I want my last name to be Stone! >.< It's just not fair!
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