Avatar: Legend of Korra thoughts

Mar 24, 2012 13:23

[Ep 1 & 2 + initial characterization of our new golden trio hahahaha]Episode 1: adored the musical score and the introduction of new elements like Republic City, metal bender police (and no one being above the law, including the Avatar) and the issues between non benders and benders. Benders being able to form mafia-like gangs and non benders trying to stage a revolution (Amon's people) offers the potential for very interesting storylines. I'm extremely interested in Toph and her Chief Bei Fong's history and how her daughter ended up enforcing the law when her mother is probably the symbol of rebellion hahahaha

Episode 2: Korra's Voice actress is much better in this episode and I like the way Bolin and Mako are introduced. I continue to be charmed by Tenzin (especially when he ends up cheering the Fire Ferret's win). I find it interesting that despite the wins, Mako is NOT happy so I wonder if there are other forces pressuring him to compete and win the tournament. Pro-wrestling bending is a great way to get Korra to ante up and improve on team work and fighting skills though.

Initial Characterization

I have to admit I saw elements of characters from the first series in our new cast: Korra seems like a blend of Toph and Sokka for instance - she's capable and headstrong but with a definite streak of rebellion and humor. Also, she's willing to say it like it is, whether its necessarily to her benefit or not.

For the brothers, I'm still not really sure yet but....I saw strains of Mai in Mako, in regards to discipline and deadpan humor. He does have a bit of emo-ness which hasn't been explained so right now that is sort of reminiscent of Zuko but that could change. Hard to remember others in their emo-ness as much as Zuko haha.

Bolin might be a blend of Sokka's bad flirting methods and humor (which sorts of explains why he meshes well with Korra) and perhaps Tai Lee ("the avatar!")... still, not sure about that with just one episode to go on...

Sokka's humor was one of the big reason's the first series worked so well, not to mention Toph's kick ass awesomeness and Zuko's emo. Mako's deadpan lines feel like they wanted to bring Mai's strain of humor in too, without the coolness in attitude per se. Can't help think that they noticed what worked previously and brought those bits back in LoK. There's no telling how these characters will develop and in what direction they're headed though - that at least is entirely original and makes for very awesome possibilities...
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