Final Gift for andthatisthat

Jan 02, 2010 15:52


Title: Devoted to You & In Sickness
Author: Chosenfire
Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN. All recognizable characters and situations belong to their respective owners and I make no profit off of playing with them.
Fandom: Gossip Girl
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: slash
Characters/Pairings: Chuck/Nate (references to Chuck/Blair)
Spoilers: lets just say all to be safe
Summary: Chuck cares for Nate more than anyone knows, and will always be there for him when he needs him.

Author’s Note: This was my first time ever exploring this pairing and I have to admit it was made me a fan, there is something so beautiful about the relationship between Chuck and Nate. I wanted to do one longer fic but when I went to write 2 small ones are what happened, the first one is Chuck’s POV and the second is Nate’s. I hope you enjoy!

Devoted to You

Chuck listened when Blair talked. He took it in and he remembered it, he would make the occasional comment, but that didn’t mean she had his full attention. He held the phone against his ear as he watched Nate drag a towel across his hair, even going as far to shake it sending water droplets flying. The smile curving Chuck’s lip had nothing to do with Blair’s tale of her mother’s and step father’s antics.

Nate glanced up at him just as he was tossing the towel over the back of the 10,000 dollar couch. Chuck made his excuses murmuring “I love you” and hanging up the phone, tossing it somewhere on one of the equally expensive armchairs.

Chuck could make out the water still clinging to the hollow of Nate’s neck and sliding down his bare chest. His eyes moved from Nate’s skin and to his eyes and Nate was giving him a knowing smirk. When Chuck told Blair he loved her he didn’t lie. He did love her, for everything she was to him, everything she offered to him, and for standing by him every time he tried to push her away.

Love couldn’t even begin to cover the level of his devotion to Nate. Blair was his girlfriend, and Nate, Nate was his, and had always been his.

“Do you have any plans for today?” Nate asked him softly as Chuck slipped an arm around his waist, drawing him close. The smile only brightened and even Chuck’s words to Blair didn’t phase Nate. Because Nate understood, he accepted it and Chuck couldn’t be more grateful.

If Nate had ever forced him to choose he would be unable to lead the kind of life he wanted to. Because he would have chosen Nate and the world he was becoming a part of didn’t look too kindly on openly alternative life styles. High society preferred their dirty little secrets kept firmly in the closet.

Chuck was privileged enough to be able to have both things and it was because of Nate, because Nate let him be selfish.

“I’ve cleared the week.” Chuck confessed pressing a kiss to Nate’s neck, wrapping his other hand around the flesh there his fingers curling in the still damp hair.

“Good.” Nate breathed out and turned his face to capture Chuck’s lips with his own “that’s great.”

In Sickness

Nate’s hand shook as he grabbed the phone and it occurred to him speed dial was one the greatest inventions of man. He tried pressing his head against the wall, desperate for something to relieve the dull ache and heated flesh and pressed and held down on “1”.

He took a deep breath as the phone rang and held back the cough that was wanting to rip through his throat.

“Your late Nathaniel.” Chuck’s voice came across the line with just the faintest trace of annoyance and Nate glanced blearily at the clock on the wall. It had taken him longer than he thought to get his phone and make the call, and instead of calling Chuck in time he had ended up calling 15 minutes after they were supposed to meet for coffee.

“Sorry,” Nate breathed out softly eyes closing again and he tried to focus on the conversation “I won’t be able to make it, feeling a bit under the weather.” and he had to turn his face away from the phone and bring his arm up as the cough finally tore out of him. His throat burned and it felt like cats were clawing up the sides. He tried to take a breath and make it stop the ache between his eyes worsening.

“I’ll be right over.” and before Nate could tell him not to, to stay where he was that he would be fine, Chuck had already hung up on him.

Nate tried to care more but he was already putting the phone down and stumbling back to the couch, twisting back into the blanket that was both warm and suffocating. He wanted a glass of water, maybe some Tylenol, and it would be nice if the lights were turned down. He just couldn’t seem to find the energy to get up and do it.

He was so tired.

He must have drifted off because the next thing he knew there was a cool hand moving through his hair and Chuck was looking down at him concerned. Nate tried to work up a reassuring smile but all he managed to do was roll his body slightly into the touch.

Chuck found a seat in the spot of couch left by Nate’s stomach and his hand was gently pulling Nate’s head back. Two pills were pressed in his mouth, chalky and thick but they weren’t there long before a cool glass was being pressed against his lips.

Nate swallowed the water and pills and was dimly aware of Chuck pulling his body up. He leaned on him as Chuck lead him back to their bedroom, muttering about the weather and wearing a sweater when it was needed, and let Nate fall back onto the bed.

Chuck curved around him, holding him close and whispering in his ear “Go to sleep.”

Nate did.

!2009 gifts, andthatisthat

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