Prompt Post

Jul 05, 2008 18:18

The LiveJournal version of this meme closed on November 15, 2014 because of escalating spam.  Please make your fills and prompts in the Dreamwidth version of this meme.

Here is this meme’s account, currently rearranging and deleting tags.

This meme may have prompts and fills with underage participants; if you feel like viewing them ( Read more... )

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Comments 4259

anonymous July 5 2008, 19:48:43 UTC
Blair/Chuck facial.
Dub-con is fine but no non-con.


Blair/Chuck facial – NC-17 – warnings: light bondage anonymous July 6 2008, 00:42:00 UTC
He took his time, carefully placing his knees on either side of her face on the pillow. “What are you doing?” she whispered, laid out beneath him and straining against the silk shackles binding her wrists together.

“Open your mouth,” he said, pressing the palm of his left hand on the wall in front of him to steady himself as he took his erection in his right.

“Why?” Always ‘why’. She could never just do as she was told the first time he asked.“I said, open your mouth,” he repeated, his tone more firm this time and she blinked at him for a moment, before parting her lips ( ... )


Re: Blair/Chuck facial – NC-17 – warnings: light bondage anonymous July 6 2008, 01:17:02 UTC


Re: Blair/Chuck facial – NC-17 – warnings: light bondage anonymous July 6 2008, 09:35:33 UTC
wow. awesome.


anonymous July 5 2008, 19:50:10 UTC
Ed/Chace/Penn, bondage


Ed/Chace/Penn, bondage - NC-17 - dub-con - part 1 of 2 anonymous July 8 2008, 13:57:09 UTC
Apologies if it isn't 'bondage-y' enough - it probably isn't what you were looking for at all! lol - but I hope you enjoy it anyway ( ... )


Ed/Chace/Penn, bondage - NC-17 - dub-con - part 2 of 2 anonymous July 8 2008, 14:01:09 UTC
Relaxing into the kiss, his jaw loosened, his tongue boldly exploring Chace’s mouth as he felt the blood surge in his veins, his cock shifting curiously in his jeans. Chace kissed him harder, his tongue enticing Penn to do the same and bending his resistance so far, it had to break.

From that point, everything was lost as Chace peeled his mouth away and all the air rushed out of Penn. He remembered panting urgently, panic seizing him as Chace tugged open his jeans and the hot air hit his hotter skin. “What if someone sees?” he breathed, his heart rattling in his ears.

“Then they see,” Ed said smoothly, sitting on the edge of the table and watching as Chace slid elegantly to his knees in front of him.


“It’s three am, no-one’s going to see“What if they hear? Blake’s upstairs. Please,” Penn said, as if he were begging for his life, his gaze falling down to Chace, who was looking up at him, his blue eyes lost behind the veil of sandy hair ( ... )


Re: Ed/Chace/Penn, bondage - NC-17 - dub-con - part 2 of 2 anonymous July 8 2008, 19:04:54 UTC
Omg, I loved the ending sooo much.


anonymous July 5 2008, 19:51:31 UTC
Serena/Blair. First time.


anonymous July 17 2008, 21:50:22 UTC
I second this. Please?


anonymous July 5 2008, 19:59:29 UTC
Serena/Georgina, dubcon.


anonymous July 5 2008, 20:08:00 UTC
bottom!chuck, slash, con or dubcon


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