Title: Things to Do on a Rainy Day [1]
Team: Brooklyn
Pairing: Little!Chuck/Little!Blair
Challenge: 01-- Rain
Rating: G
Warnings: None.
Eight year old Blair Waldorf hated rainy days. While everyone else was excited about being able to spend lunch in the class room playing board games, Blair was entirely bored with the whole thing. The whole point of lunch was to look pretty on the swings and pass judgment on all the other kids. Lunch was not supposed to be spent locked away in a prison.
“Psst! Waldorf!”
Her eyes widened when she saw Chuck Bass standing at the open door, looking like he was up to no good. His hand was outstretched to her, and he was grinning madly.
Title: Things To Do on a Rainy Day [2]
Team: Brooklyn
Pairing: Little!Chuck/Little!Blair
Challenge: 01-- Rain
Rating: G
Warnings: None.
She raced to the door, and linked her little hand in his. “I can’t believe this. You’re going to get us in trouble.” She sang as he led her through the hallways.
“Isn’t that why you came with me?” He asked, not letting go of her hand, choosing instead to drag her along after him. “You like trouble. That’s why you hang on Nate, but spend all your time with me.”
She pouted. “That is so not true. I don’t even like you.”
“Right.” He laughed as he dragged her out the back doors and out into the pouring rain.
Title: Things To Do on a Rainy Day [3]
Team: Brooklyn
Pairing: Little!Chuck/Little!Blair
Challenge: 01-- Rain
Rating: G
Warnings: None.
Not realizing where he’d taken her at first, Blair let out a scream when she felt the rain ruin her hair. Immediately Chuck’s hand clamped over her mouth. “Do you want to get us in trouble, Waldorf?”
She shook her head, and he dropped his hand.
“What are we doing out here?” She shot him a look.
He grinned. “Surveying our kingdom obviously.”
That caused Blair to snort. “Mine.” She corrected. “We are not an ‘our.’”
Chuck merely smirked before pushing Blair into a puddle. The next thing she knew she was chasing him around the playground in the rain.
Title: Things To Do on a Rainy Day [4]
Team: Brooklyn
Pairing: Little!Chuck/Little!Blair
Challenge: 01-- Rain
Rating: G
Warnings: None.
“Well? What do you two have to say for yourselves?” The principal asked the two children.
A very wet and mud-covered Chuck shot the equally dirty Blair a grin from across the principal’s office. Blair giggled.
“Well, Miss Waldorf, did you have something to say?”
Blair smiled politely at her. “I love rainy days?” She asked sweetly.
The principal sighed and looked at Chuck instead. “Charles?”
He smirked at her. “It took you long enough to catch us.” Chuck grinned at Blair. “Race you to the swings.”
The principal stared in horror as the children suddenly bolted from her office.