A friend was asking about my new eBook reader device, and I went on and on till her eyes glazed over. I was going to send her an email with the rest of my eye-glaze, but decided I might want to send it to more than one person. Then I was thinking of putting it onto my website, but that's a pain. Musings should be published in my journal, so it makes the most sense to put it here.
In the beginning was the word and... OK, we'll skip that generation.
Generation #0 of books - page
- Size: 1 page
- Medium: Clay tablet or woven papyrus or strips of bamboo tied together or scraped sheepskin (vellum) or wax-coated wood.
- Copying: Always hard (handwritten)
- Date: 4000 BC to 500 BC
First generation of books - Scroll
- Size: up to 30 pages, maybe 50
- Medium: Vellum? Early paper? Woven papyrus? Silk? Rolled for storage, and current section unrolled to read
- Copying: Always hard (handwritten)
- Date: 500 BC to 1200 AD?
- Example: Each "book" of the bible. We think of "the book" as the whole bible, but that era thought of each scroll as a book.
Second generation of books --- Codex (official name for edge-bound book as we think of a "book")
- 30 to 4000 pages
- Medium: usually paper. (mashed wood or linen, "screened" dry and "sized" with clay or starch to make it smoother.)
- Copying: Before Gutenberg, hard. After Gutenberg, easy at time of printing, hard later.
Current generation of books -- Library. People own a collection of books, in ever-easier to carry formats
- a few to very many books
- Medium: flash RAM in e-readers; flash ram in smartphones; "cloud" storage in dropbox or publisher or elsewhere.
- Copying: trivial. Indeed for "cloud" storage, copying becomes almost irrelevant.
Livejournal offered to let me continue writing this post when I went to make today's post. I can't remember when I wrote it, but it talks about my "new" e-reader which I got early for my birthday in March of 2011. It was aimed at one of my tutoring students, so it couldn't have been after mid-April. Does LJ keep saved draft postings forever?