Music Meme

Apr 09, 2005 11:12

I've been bitten by the meme bug going aroung. Thanks to mywheezy

01). Total volume of music files on my computer: 7.69 GB - For a total of 3,269 songs... I should explain that I am mildly OCD when it comes to my music - I back all my cds on my computer and file them meticulously. But I love music - so I need to do this.

02). The last CD I bought was: Damien Rice - O - Such an incredible cd, it hasn't left my car since I got it. Hmm bought it whenever the LOST episode aired that had it - Lost in Translation - the song playing when Hurley's batteries died.

03a). The last song I listened to before writing this was: Beverly Hills by Weezer. Man I love the Weezer. Not my favorite song, but I am excited about the new album.

03b). Song playing right now: Boys and Girls by Blur

04). Five songs I listen to a lot or that mean a lot to me:

Awaiting on you all - George Harrison
Delicate - Damien Rice
Hurricane - Bob Dylan
Let it Be - The Beatles
A Lifetime - Better than Ezra

05) I pass this meme on to: Jayl, Dallyra, Julia_Thorne13
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