It seems as of late,a certain individual have been diagnosed with the Dr. Jekyll and Hyde effect. The exception is that this unnamed one is merely altering into the Hyde, and the doctor seems to have completely been effaced. Frankly, I was never quite fond of this being, even since our first unfortunate meeting. I might as well just post her sex, rather than allowing the suspense to manifest itself to the point of breaching the few relationships that I do have. In my sixteen years of inhabiting this blue and polluted planet, I've never had a more noxious relationship that constantly induced hurt feelings, and unnecessary stress. Having to even be in the society of this horrible example of a human causes my temples to ache. Truth of the matter is, I realize the elixir for all bad relations is to merely end it. But sadly, I am bound to her for reasons apropos to family matters. What may make this individual so odious to be with you might ask? Well, to start off, she's not exactly the most benevolent of beings. Nor is she a pacifier, if anything, she has the unusual dexterity to instigate anger and agitation between people. Ladies and gentleman,(I have very few male readers, but I will address the few of you nonetheless.) perhaps what may distress me the most about her is her hallucenegenic pride, and astronomical ego. If you ever are hapless enough to get to know her on a personal level, you have my grievances. Possibly my vision is merely exacerbating by the MILLIsecond, but I really can't see where the pride is spawned from. Now, there's nothing wrong with confidence, if you can back it up. By all means, if you have the talents that validate your superiority, I shall respect and honor you. Perhaps she merely has a common case of latent brilliance? lol. She enjoys showcasing her pride by belittling everyone at every open opportunity. You may be duped by her revolting exterior. But mind you readers, she has probably besmirched every one of you at least twice. Perhaps her loathsome character is begetted by an asinine and just as malevolent influence.
There's no egress for this imbroglio.
*sigh* I am just emotionally taxed by her mere presence. I am not expecting a wealth of sympathy from anyone. This entry was merely written for theraputic reasons, and to stymie those potential homicidal tendencies. (kidding, im not an unhinged nutcase.)
As this entry is coming to a close, I feel alleviated and much relieved.
Well, off to my humble abode.
Good night everyone.
I wish I was on a train heading in the opposite direction.