fuck friendship, i'm getting a dog

Dec 21, 2006 13:55

these are the best friends of your life!

note to self: never EVER introduce one of your friends to the other if they dont already know each other. they will inevitalby (esp if youre me) have more in common with each other and toss you out. then, when they stomp all over you, and you tell them youre hurt, they will just say the hell with it, get defensive, and not make the effort to talk to you or salvage the frienshsip, even when you ask them to, because they now have each other. fuck friendship, i'm getting a dog.

ps, i told you i didnt trust you. you said it hurt. well.... so then i made an effort. and this, this crushed-ness, this is where it got me. fuck trust. i knew better.
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