Apr 08, 2005 17:50
Wow. What a week.
But at least the floor's finally finished -- or all but. There's still one troublesome spot by the door: I'm waiting for Rachel's opinion on that.
Well anyway, it looks really good, if I do say so myself. The roommie and I rock!
After finishing up this morning, I ran a few errands: bought cat food from the veterinary clinic; returned tools to my parents' and brother's houses; picked up a few items at Wal-Mart.*
Among my purchases were pet supplies: litter, covered catbox, mat, and scoop. We figured we should bring another litter box into the apartment, seeing as we'd removed Gwydion's (i.e., the carpet). Maybe this will convince the Squidjees to spare our new floor. (Incidentally, did you know that Schmutzabstreifer is German for "litter mat"? Now we can all die fulfilled.)
And that's been my life of late. So no, you haven't really been missing much.
* Yes, I know Wal-Mart is evil and I'm probably going to Hell for shopping there. But after weeks of vain searching for Edy's Dreamery New York Strawberry Cheesecake Ice Cream, I finally found it on their shelves. And quite frankly, that alone is worth a little brimstone.