Strung out F'n Cokehead

Oct 29, 2007 21:35

It's really a horrible feeling when you realize that someone you really care about is so totally lost to drugs. They've already lost their family, pretty much all of their old friends, the only ones that stick around are the other strung out junkies, and those that the junkie can still dupe into thinking if "they would just help"...said junkie could change.  I was the last to go. Never thought I would be one to go....but if you offer help, and try and try again, and are turned down again and again in favor of junkiedom....the junkie wins. There is no magic wand to make it better. I can't help where help isn't truly wanted. I know the junkie will probably waste away, jobless, homeless, sick.  But...I won't be there. I'm done trying to pick up the pieces. It's to hard, too painful.  I don't want to let the junkie go, but I have to face the facts. Drugs are more important than relationships in that world. So I fall away into the periphery. So be it. I have my own problems, my own worries..enough for 3 people, without carrying around the weight of the junkie as well.

It hurts...a lot.

I'll accept it eventually.

I see myself one day not too far off attending a funeral.

One day telling my daughter about this wonderful friend I used to have, this amazing person I used to know.

One day using the junkie as an example to show my teenage daughter just how dangerous that world can be.

To the junkie:   Goodbye. I loved you, but there's nothing I can do now.
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