Wel, after YEARS of putzing around, I've finally finished my Junkers Tiger APC!!!
Just as I looked at the Korvus walker and said, "Hey! An AT-ST!", I looked at the Tiger and said, "Cool! A short AT-AT!"
I got me an AT-AT model kit and the work of ages began...
This is what a "normal" Tiger APC is supposed to look like:
http://brookhobby.com/images/i-Kore/31902.jpg And here we have the Junker version (or at least my version)...
I couldn't see Junkers leaving a big, broad surface like the top of the APC empty. It could easily be filled with...a machine gun nest!
I added some blast marks (carbon scoring?) to thier shields to show hom much fun it is to ride on top! ;)
I can't wait to try this beast out on the field! (using the No Limits rules system, of course, that way it's easy to add in the HMG on top)