#8: It's Not Right, But It's Okay

Feb 13, 2012 09:13

Congrats to the cast of Chicago! Tina, I know you are going to add so much sass to your character, I cannot wait! And Sam, dude, so kick ass! Rachel, I think our parts worked out perfectly. Roxie is the new kid on the block, learning from Velma. I know we don't always see eye to eye, but I do respect your talent. Just not the way you steamroll over everyone else to shine

Whitney has been on blast and repeat since the news broke this Saturday. I grew up hearing her music courtesy of my mom and nana, and even though my experience is different from theirs, it was still an undisputed fact Whitney had a voice that other female vocalists could only dream of having and she will truly be missed, though we're blessed to be able to hear her legacy until the end of time. Pastor Abrams let us sing "I Look to You" yesterday, it was so moving. I think my mom was recording it though, which is weird because she has never done that.

Instead of being overly somber though, I'm going to put up one of my fave Whitney jams. I need to be working on my dancing anyway, and this song always makes me want to do just that!

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church, whitney, musical, rachel, video

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