Oct 19, 2006 08:54
I haven't posted in a while because it was too hard to keep up with the daily demands of posting all my workouts and all my food. I already have a seperate food journal on my computer, and the format isn't really cross-postable. But I do want to keep up with writing about my journey, because it's been brilliant so far. For example, I ate an entire Domino's medium pepperoni pizza last Sunday night and still managed to lose two pounds this week. Other than that, my eating has been clean and easy. My runs are great-- I'm going to do my 14 mile run tomorrow I think.
It's raining hard today-- our first really good day of rain. Or, perhaps, the first one I've been home for. I feel safe in the rain, and in love and happy and like writing. This morning I've already had my session with Patches. We did some alt. arm rows and reverse flyes on the cables and also three rounds of a new penance (sprint to 10x box jump to cairoca to 10x walkover pushup to sprint to 5x single leg X hops to cairoca to long lever crunch). Afterwards I rolled out my calves and adductors and did my hip-opening stretches. Patches had me put my elbow in his low back to loosen stuff up and I bought a Speed Stack and Patches reprimanded me and then checked the label and said that because I'd been so good this week and had no sugar and kept up my immunity, I could keep it. He almost took it away but there is no sugar in it-- just chemicals and caffeine. He told me I could drink half of it, but I had to space it out over the day and make sure I got a lot of water. I said okay and now I am at home.
I have to decide: 7, 5, or 14 miles today. Ideally I'd do the 14, but I want to do it in the woods on soft dirt (with new shoes, to baby my calf) and I'm not sure I'll have the use of the minivan today. Plus I need to research places to go paintballing this afternoon. If I do the 14, I need to give myself 3 hours to run, recover, and shower-- which means I could start no later than 11 AM (in two hours) so I could be back in time to go shoot at my friends. :p
I'll update my weight today. The end-of-first-week weigh in was a product of dehydration, I think-- because otherwise the pattern has been a steady loss of 2 lbs. per week.