Nov 18, 2003 21:08
About one year ago from today I was being massively harrassed about whom I lost my virginity to, when TRACE came to my rescue by addmitting the begining of our love affair at age 13.. From that oh so joyful day on, we have been LOOOOOOOVERS.
To most people the word looover just seems like a word we yell to each other upon seeing one another, followed by hott animal noises and lots and I mean LOTS of humping. It however, means so much more.
Lover is not only my looooover, he is my best friend and my male soul mate. He's there for me whether it be horrid "I wanna kill myself and her" woman issues..or Im just feeling like a good hump, he's there.
So here is to my LOVER and the wonderful year we've spent together. May there be many more.
Me and my monkey suit are on our way!!
Nobody lovers me like you lover me looooover
Ps: Happy Birthday to mickey mouse!! I made my icon just for him <3