Sep 10, 2010 16:41
As I was reflecting on a passage for my sermon this week [Luke chapter 24, verses 44-49], some thoughts really struck me. As the resurrected Jesus meets with His followers, as they connect with Him & really tune into His frequency, He enables them to understand how all of Scriptures (from the Old Testament all the way through His current teachings) form one huge, whole picture of the redemption story that points to Jesus as God & Savior. What are their minds being opened to understand [verse 45]? That Jesus' suffering, death and resurrection from the dead fulfills God's sovereign, history-wide rescue plan for all of us.
Where I hear God speaking to me most is in verse 48: "You are witnesses." After shoving Lebron James' advertisement thoughts out of my brain, I ask God: "I know it's important; what does that mean?" Notice that He calls them witnesses after telling them "see [the scars in] My hands & feet... touch Me & see", and He even sits to eat some seafood (mmm... broiled fish) with them (to overcome their superstitious fear that he's simply a ghost. Silly disciples). I don't think He simply means it in the casual, dispassionate, disconnected, bystander eyewitness way, but as one who sees, tests, touches, and experiences the situation, the person, the relationship for yourself. Is that me? Am I a witness? Not just in the past (when I first came to know Jesus personally), but on a regular, ongoing, daily, moment-by-moment experience?
Then in verse 49, He blesses them with a promise: "I am sending the promise of My Father upon you... [which will cause them to be] clothed with power from on high." What in the world? Ah, but if you study Luke-Acts (prequel & sequel written by the same non-Jewish investigator named Luke), you can make the connection in context... [Acts 1:8] "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses... to the ends of the earth." [Acts 2:32-33] " This Jesus, God raised up & of that we are all witnesses. Being therefore exalted at the right hand of God, & having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, He has poured out this that you yourselves are seeing & hearing" the gospel through Scriptures in a miraculous, supernatural way, as each person was hearing it in their native tongue at that time & place. Connection?
Jesus instructed His followers in verses 46 & 47 to proclaim good news to all people & nations about rescue, redemption, forgiveness through Christ, if people will turn away from our self-destructive, self-centered wickedness and turn toward Jesus instead. Putting the pieces together, a witness, then, is also one who testifies to what they have seen & experienced with Jesus & about Him as Lord & Savior through the promised power of God's Spirit. Do I experience that kind of power to live, breathe & demonstrate the reality of the gospel?
Not there yet, but chasing it. Jesus rocks, & greater things await [John 14:11-12]. I want to witness that.
Reflection questions:
(1) Are you a witness? Do you spend time with Jesus & in His Word, allowing Him to transform your heart & life as He opens your mind to understand Scriptures? Has the great redemption story unfolded for you?
(2) Are you a witness? Not simply a casual observer, but one who sees, tests, touches, experiences the resurrected Jesus for yourself, & His teaching in your life? He wants to write an amazing story into your life. Is His great redemption story being written into your life story?
(3) Are you a witness? One whose experiences of Christ's power through His Spirit have transformed your lifestyle, your words, actions, character/integrity to testify to the nations (whether in foreign countries or in the cubicle or cafe next door) the reality & goodness of the gospel?