I finally finished this entire thing up- all one hundred and thirty-two moods. It's a manga only mood theme featuring Kagome, InuYasha, and KagomexInuYasha. There are panels from the most recent of chapters, but they're not spoilery, so don't worry. I thought I'd post it in my icon journal for grabs, available to all of you.
1. You need to have a paid account. You then 'create' the mood theme
2. Please leave a comment if you're taking it.
3. Credit me in your userinfo for however long you use the mood theme. Mood themes are tedious to make, and I'd like others to be able to find it.
4. Do NOT hot link. Please! My server couldn't handle that.
-Covers all of livejournal's moods.
-Features Kagome, InuYasha, and KagomexInuYasha icons.
43x Kagome moods
43x InuYasha moods
46x KagomexInuYasha moods