Since I should be doing two entries like Jessi told me to do, I'll answer a survey instead. I'm horrible at this procrastination thing. At least I got some SP stuff done though. Good thing, since that is due NEXT MAY and this is due NEXT WEEK. Smart one, Laura.
Who was the last person...
[1] Who's the last person you touched?: Probably my dad.
[2] You talked to?: Dad.
[3] You hugged?: Ilana.
[4] You instant messaged?: Jessi, I think.
[6] You yelled at?: I've been pissed in general all day, unfortunately. Actual yelling, though? Probably my parents, forever ago.
[7] You laughed with?: Ilana today, we played Secret Agents.
[8] You had a crush on?: probably Chris.
Name four drinks you regularly drink:
[1] coffee
[2] diet coke
[3] crystal light
[4] diet...dr. pepper
Name five random facts about yourself:
[1] My birthday is a week from yesterday. I will be sixteen.
[2] I plan to go to college for a five-year Masters double-majoring in Music Education and Vocal Performance.
[3] I'm taking a bunch of senior/atypical classes next year as a junior because my schedule is fucked up: just because I want to be in chorus.
[4] I am a full-fledged choir geek.
[5] I am currently listening to "Chimbley Sweep".
Name four random facts about your family:
[1] Mom is Polish and French, Dad is Irish and English.
[2] Edward Winslow, captain of Mayflower II, is my 8th great grandfather.
[3] I haven't seen most of my mother's side of the family for a couple years.
[4] I am an only child.
Have you ever...
[1] Fallen for a friend?: Yeah, most of the time it's a friend of mine...actually I don't think I've ever had more than a little fleeting crush on someone with whom I hadn't been friends..
[2] Made out with JUST a friend?: Not guys.
[3] Been rejected?: Yes.
[5] Used someone?: What do you mean? Befriend/be kind to someone for alterior motives? I don't think so.
[6] Ever been used?: Quite possibly.
[7] Cheated?: Never. And never will.
8] Been cheated on?: Yes, twice.
[9] Done something you regret?: Find me someone who has not.
[10] Can you list a few of them?: Let's see...snubbed, rejected, and temporarily lost a close friend, dragging another close friend into the whole eating mess (unintentionally of course), not continuing ballet after first grade, quitting band, not wearing my retainer, eating so much as a little kid, not really caring about school...not doing my summer reading before I left.
Do you..?
[1] Color your hair?: No. It'd be cool though.
[2] Have tattoos?: No.
[3] Have Piercing(s)?: Nope.
[4] Have a boyfriend?: No, not anymore.
[6] Like to groove to the music?: around stupidly? Probably.
[7] Think you are cultured?: Somewhat.
[8] Like to drive fast?: No. I don't drive.
[9] Believe in God or Devil?: Not as physical beings, no.
[10] Believe in The Closet Monster?: No, but Frank the Donnie Darko bunny is pretty damn scary.
Miscellaneous Questions!
[1] What should you be doing right now?: Summer reading!!!
[2] What are you listening to?: High and Dry by Radiohead.
[3] Can you do anything freakish with your body?: Not really, I'm a freakish person though.
[4] Chicken or fish?: Neither. Ice.
[5] Favorite Season? Autumn.
[6] Is ice cream the best thing in the world?: No.
[7] What would your dream date be? who or where?: Since you said OR, I will just say sitting at home on my couch under a blanket watching Comedy Central. Nothing special necessary. If we had to go somewhere, then somewhere pretty or musical or both.
[8] Silver, gold or platinum?: Silver.
[9] Candle lit dinner in a restaurant or at home?: = no dishes, but home = no appearances.
[10] Roses or wild flowers?: Roses.
[11] Silly or serious romance?: A little of both.
[12] What CD is in your CD player right now?: My random (depressing) mix.
[13] Who was your favorite Spice Girl?: Um...Posh or Geri. I don't remember back then though.
[14] Favorite Disney Characters?: Tigger/Tinkerbell. I identify with both of them.
[15] Favorite fast food?: no fast food, no no no not ever.
[16] Favorite book?: The Phantom Tollbooth
[17] Favorite Sports teams?: I'm not a sports fan but just because I live in MA, Patriots/Red Sox.
[18] Favorite song?: I'm listening to "July, July" and that works...but at the moment, I am most identifying with Creep by Radiohead. Heh.
[19] What room is your computer in?: mine.
[20] What is your shoe size?: 8 1/2 but I have freaking high arches and somewhat wide feet as well, so a 10 in sandals to make them fit vertically. I hate my feet.
[21] Happy or Scary movies?: Happy.
[22] What will you be when you grow up?: choir director.
[23] Who do you consider your friends?: anyone awesome enough to really know me and still love me. :-)