Oh no, it's one of those posts.

May 05, 2010 15:52

Okay, so I'd like to app someone new. I've narrowed it down to five, but I'm hoping gds can help me narrow it further. So, since I think they're swank, here's a fun poll.


1 - Locke Cole from Final Fantasy VI
He's a a thief and grave robber with a tragic case of denial both in that he refers to himself as a treasure hunter cause it sounds nicer and that he can't admit his sweetheart Rachel is really dead. He's got some guilt issues which make him mighty chivalrous and he's definitely the 'hero-type'.

Oh, and he's from a steampunky dystopian world which hasn't had magic for quite some time with the exception of the bad guys and that one girl with amnesia who reminds him of somebody. So yeah, he'll have a fun time adjusting.

2 - Doctor Stephen Strange from well... Doctor Strange
Actually, I'd probably take him post-Strange four-parter wherein his potential sidekick/teenage-tag along gets her soul trapped in a creepy jamjar.

Strange was the master of the mystic arts for a good long time in Marvel canon. Unfortunately, he got too smart for his own good and was demoted. Also, his hands don't work so great anymore. It's a great source of angst.

3 - Spock from Star Trek 2009
Human/Vulcan hybrid who decided to enlist in Starfleet after some Vulcan bigwigs made some less than flattering comment about his human heritage. Spock's a complex, and somewhat illogical cookie. He likes vegetarian food, not being emotionally compromised, and swimming with humpback whales.

I could also be persuaded to consider his TOS counterpart.

4 - Sora from Kingdom Hearts
Dopey (but heroic) kid from an island off the coast of DISNEY who fights for his friends against the powers of darkness. He's a sweetheart and will undoubtedly want to team up with your characters to fight the good fight.

He was here before and was a telepath with the powers of FRIENDSHIP (also rainbow text). But I'd probably reapp him from after KH2 just for something a little different.

5 - Chang Wufei from Gundam Wing

Justice-crazed, former teen terrorist with a GIANT ROBOT named after his dead wife. Wufei is gruff, arrogant, and slightly misogynistic, but he really does want the best for the world. Maybe. Sometimes. If they weren't so darn weak.

Anyway, he's been here before and would still be coming at you from post-Endless Waltz. Meaning he's mellowed a little. Thank heaven.

Alternately - Throw another idea at me and watch me sink into a puddle of indecision. It's cheap entertainment.


So yeah. I would use the Star Wars line, but I'm a trekkie. /sob

yami will roll you up, ticky box, vulcans will eat me, yami is a failboat

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