May 03, 2010 02:24

Poll fhdjkfahefhedfkjae

"ANOTHER BRITISH WIZARD" — last-libertine is a Death Eater from Harry Potter, an extremely minor character about whom little is known other than he was killed by Mad Eye Moody, after taking a chunk out of Moody's nose. In my interpretation he is a flamboyantly straight lush who doesn't give a fuck about muggles but is all about gaining power and prestige and thus willing to torture the fuck out of them when told to. He's from the ~70s~ and would hit on probably most women (HI SANJI) (... by which I mean HI FELLOW WOMANIZER, not that... Sanji is a woman...). He can't cook, though, so INSTANT DISADVANTAGE.

"gun-toting biker chick minion" — toaskorinquire is 1/2 of the Riddler's entourage. She has little to no backstory and I would have to make everything up, but I think I would go for a slightly updated Suicide Girl esque version while remaining within the canon parameters. (And I would use the correct name this time ._.)

"a demonic soul... harvester... thing... with poorly defined powers" — oh-antonia (GET IT? FERRIMAN?) from the movie Ghost Ship. Which I just spoiled you for. Sorry. Uhhh. I include him solely because he is Cole's PB and there would be some evil dude running around with his face, except Cole has some facial hair maybe?? Also because I could have fun defining his powers, which would be along the lines of CAN SUCK SOULS OUT OF YOUR FACE IF YOU'RE BAD but like... there's no hell, so where is he going to take them? I DON'T KNOW I'D HAVE TO FIGURE THIS OUT and I enjoy that, so.

"PIPER" — reformedrogue, also known as Piper (durr), is a villain-turned-hero, a friend of the Flash up... until he... kind of failed to stop the Rogues from killing Bart... BUT THAT'S OKAY, BART IS ALIVE AGAIN ANYWAY. Anyway he wears lots of green, has hax musical powers by way of the ~ANTI-LIFE EQUATION~ (he can make people/technology do what he wants, and also explode things) and is gay. And can cook. Yeah idk.

batman is not gay!!!, batman is spanish, batman is gay, batman is not gay!!, bandwagon fail, attention whoring is fun!, there is no tag there is only jill, an internet poll would be a help, butts, batman knows everything, who to app

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