Plot Meme Pt II, the Plottening

Apr 27, 2010 10:08

Hey C&C, are you a bad enough dude to save the president fill out a text area?? Your mission, should you choose to accept it:

01 Make a post with your name on it.
02 Reply to that post with your characters' meme responses. Everyone gets their own comment. The meme will be organized.
03 Go comment on other people's threads with your ideas! A meme won't work if people post and don't respond. Do not be intimidated, people post because they want responses, yes even yours.
04 Keep checking back! No one is late to Plot/CR meme, it's like Jesus in a way.
05 Message will self-destruct in five seconds. GO GO GADGET SOMETHING.

Confused? Check the format out in action here. And now, for a helpful tutorial, brought to you by the letter random sparkle text.

Name: That's the character in question.
Canon: This field almost writes itself!
What is your character doing?: The sorts of shenanigans they are up to this very second.
Are you willing to have your character get hurt?: If Y, how much and in what situation.
Does your character have a job?: If N, would they like one? If Y, are they hiring?
Is your character on a team?: If N, would they like to be?
What kinds of plots are you after?: C&C encompasses the cliches of almost every genre! If you just have a direction you want to take your character, but no specific plots in mind, feel free to list that, too. Mayhap people will brainstorm.
Is your character open for pairings?: If there’s anything you ship, you can list them if you want!!
Powers: List them. Are these powers widely known?
Skills: What are they good at? Fighting, calligraphy, underwater basketweaving, etc? Anything you'd like to work into a plot.
Likes: This also applies to personality traits that they gel with.
Dislikes: Personality traits apply here, too.
Anything else?: Free space for all your tl;dr needs. NOT JUST AN INVITATION TO POST A FUNNY GIF.

What is your character doing?:
Are you willing to have your character get hurt?:
Does your character have a job?:
Is your character on a team?:
What kinds of plots are you after?:
Is your character open for pairings?:
Anything else?:

does alex even have a tag?, meme, next time i am charging $3.99 for this, and then jason was a tentacle monster, alex's tag makes me cry at night, alex: queen of the tags, alex creates another tag, alex's tags are intimidating, nick fury needs no nipples!!

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