(no subject)

Apr 13, 2010 23:18

Two things:

FIRST, TO WHATEVER LOVELY ANON FAIRY IS RESPONSIBLE: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE ICONS. I appreciate them tremendously and shall try to use them well. :D

Second: So Terry is just here, is sort of 8| at suddenly being somewhere he doesn't know without the old guy and the computer who knows everything, so he's trying to be the best Batman he can be. Which involves lots and lots of reading/watching/listening. Because HEY, research makes the man, right?

Or it does if it's Batman.

And he's new at the job, which makes him nervous which makes him overcompensate because he doesn't want to make any mistakes and die, and....

The point is that he's gonna be hyper-responsible for the first little while, and so will be doing his research. And he'll probably make it through at least 6 months worth of back-dated stuff, after he settles down and starts studying properly (after a while he might decide that he's doing well enough without doing this stuff and if he keeps up his head will explode and THEN where will he be and so not make it back to the beginning, and he'll probably skim before that) but I... really don't want to read through all the posts and 89 thousand comments that he would. So um.

Help me Cape and Cowl-kenobi, you're my only hope. What are some things he would know? @_@

EDIT: Eeeeeee thank you everyone who's already posted. AS A SIDE NOTE that I should have posted earlier: He'll be paying a lot more attention to people who are or were villains, who associate with villains, have committed crimes, gone crazy and murdered someone ETC than he will to just your normal hero types.

Because. Well. They're the potential threat here. Unlike Bruce he's not gonna build a contingency plan for each and every hero in the city and how to take them down should they go evil he's not that OCD. He'd likely know who the heros were as well, but won't care quite so much.

ocd isn't alphabetical, attention duelists, stuff, and couldn't believe what she heard, godzilla loev tokyo, it's tomorrow in australia, :), help me gds you're my only hope, tagbomb ahoy, and by 11 i mean infinity, rides unicorns and explodes, it is share time goshdarnit, *drags everyone into a circle*, the suit speaks only the truth, as the cape flutters, sharing the love, tagbombing is bluemoon's hobby, give me your brainmeats, shiny new tags anyone?, tell me what to do, into the tar pit, how does i shot tag, new york is actually a dinosaur corpse, but why is the rum gone?, a virtual treasure chest!, batman knows everything, kitties!, haha i'm using your tags what now, tagssssss, help, these tags are great that's what, stop me before i make more tags, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, look at me i want attention, i can taste the rainbow, abusing tags forever, do we really need more tags, the spice must flow, shoopdawhoop, etc, i just wanted to abuse the tags, stealing tags is fun, i need more tags, hey check this out, you're my only hope, i didn't make half of these tags, this needs more tags, the bastard child of anime and comics, click this or die, bluemoon what are you even, just wtf and stuff, idk what tags are, oh wait i control the tags, this is my new favorite tag, cnc: we are on the special crack, sharing is caring, moo, more tags abuse!, dear abby, what's the tag limit?, and when it came near, blame olesia for everything forever, tags are your father, c&c eats your sleep, hi, this is cape & cowlcast's tag, survey time, believe me i tried vigorously, am i doing it right, obsession is an art form, guys we're running out of tags, but i'm still trolling your tags :), i must be stopped, because i said so, being a pirate is alright with me, aaaaa too many tags, sharing, i'm using this tag for everything, how many tags is this again?, i tagged this, cape and cowl: the musical, covered in bees, i'm blue dabadedabadi, redundant tags are redundant, this tag limit goes to 11, tell me about your mother

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