With shit gettin' real and folks tryin' to take care of bidness, votes tallied revealed Koltira was next to the chopping block. Led out of the perfect Olympic pasture and kicked into a volcano, the roasty, toasty remains now sit at the end of the McNugget/Normannugget/Takayajerky buffet table.
Koltira was a sheep. GOOD JOB GUISE.
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And what is that?
Shoveling snow. Link has found a snow shovel and is keeping the doorways to the McDonalds and the lodges clear. THEY WON'T BE SNOWED IN ON HIS WATCH! ... as long as the snow doesn't start coming down faster than he can shovel]
Hey, that looks like fun!
[And he grabs a shovel and GOMUGOMU GATLINGS the snow out of the way. It's cleared, alright, from the path.
Everywhere else is a different story]
[looks over at a pile of snow that's uh... taller than he is... but it's not in the way of anything... so it should be ok, right?]
[Looks around]
They're still not as good as Sanji's cooking, though. Wonder where he is.
I haven't seen Sanji.... I don't think he's here.
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