OKAY SO HERE'S THE THING: I suddenly want to re-app Pyro from between X-Men 2 and X-Men 3 (to avoid the suckfest that was the third movie), but I'm pretty sure that
- no one
- gives
- a fuck
- and his voice is similar to Jason's, except Jason is "an adult" (ex...cept he's not, he's 19) and Pyro is "a teenager" (16), and Pyro cusses more. But they cuss the same way, except Pyro is more inventive. Also Pyro is more social.
IDK basically Pyro is an immature, better socialized, differently [mildly-]sociopathic Jason (he would never cut off anybody's limbs but let's face it he sets people on fire).
My question is then: is he worth playing at C&C? I enjoy challenges RPwise, so keeping their voices different would be interesting to me, but I think it'd be silly to app a character that's so similar to one I already have... but then, I also think you can maybe make a case for Pyro being different enough. What do you think?
Also for reference here's a poll. Please do not be afraid to click "NOOOOOOOO" or "I have no feelings either way" I know that the X-Men movies aren't. Uh. Exactly. The greatest of source material. And I won't be offended. ♥
Poll :O