Jan 30, 2010 04:16

So my Gluttony app is in the can and waiting for after my wild weekend of partying to be put up. SO WITH THAT IN MIND I need to get working on character #3 because all of them are going to require a great more deal of canon review than Santo or the Big G.

The problem? I am indecisive as hell. Also it's 4 AM and I'm bored. SO I'M GOING TO LET YOU GUYS DECIDE FOR ME. Keep in mind that whoever does not get apped the cycle after next will probably end up as my fourth or fifth character. HERE WE GO



Poll 1. Norman "Normie" Osborn and the Venom Symbiote/Dusk from Spider-Girl
In the MC2 alternate future that pretty much died off except for the Spider-Girl on-going a few months after creation,  Lil' Normie grows up obsessed with avenging his family against Spider-Man and becomes the new Green Goblin. Except he's not very good at it and after getting beat up a few times May Parker/Spider-Girl he becomes her friend/on-powered helper due to his derpiness when no longer crazy.

UNTIL an incident involving an engagement party and being controlled by Venom leads to him getting his hands on the symbiote and turning him into a much more confident badass who may or may not be manipulated by said evil alien costume. He takes up the name Dusk (because all the good ones are taken) and goes on to fight crime and yell at people for spoiling his secret identity.
- Someone who actually tries to maintain the decorum of having a secret identity!
- A superheroy version of Venom that's way better than the time they tried to make Venom a superhero!
- Will give me a chance to play a Spider-Man without actually playing a Spider-Man
- Will be all up in Grandpa Osborn's bizznass as Dusk and terrorizing him with how much he knows about his life.
- Having to reread like all of Spider-Girl because it's been forever since I did that
- I'm playing someone a lot smarter than I am for a change.
- Having to type "We" instead of I so often may drive me crrraaazy

2. Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider from the Warcraft franchise

Kael is the last of elven kingdom of Quel'Thalas' royal family and a powerful mage who is one of the six in charge of Dalaran which is like the magic capital of Azeroth. And...for when I'd first be taken him, that's about all he'd have going on. See, if I apped Kael I would give him steady canon updates every few months to further points down the Warcraft timeline where his life starts getting really shitty. His homeland gets totaled by undead, 90% of his people are killed, the whole "blood elves have magic addictions" problem, teaming up with Illidan, eventually going crazy and signing up with a world-destroying army of demons...

And every time he comes back, he'd get all those fun City memories again. I might even feel bad about doing this.
- Pretty much one of the most badass elves ever
- Slow decline from hero to TEMPEST KEEP WAS MERELY A SETBACK
- Lots of grumping at people for telling him he's eventually going to go batshit crazy and lots of trying futiley to fight his future
- I've never really played a serious villain before which is eventually what Kael is going to be
- SWEET LORD SO MUCH CANON REVIEW I'll have to hunt down novels and everything
- Lots of double-tagging since Santo will forever be bugging the WoW cast too. Which...isn't really a con I just wanted to stress that DON'T THINK THIS MEANS YOU'LL GET OFF THE HOOK FROM TALKING TO ROCKSLIDE AND HAVE HIM FORGETTING WHAT YOUR WORLD IS CALLED

3. Jack Atlas from Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's
Jack does one thing. He duels, and he duels very well. Loudly, over-dramatically, putting a spectacle on for the masses. Unfortunately he's also terrible at doing everything else, his passion for dramatic excess leading to horrible attempts at holding down jobs and vigilantism. Lots of bold and capslock with this guy.
- is the goddamn Jack Atlas
- Gigantic hams are my preferred character type
- Hilarious failure at superheroism
- My interest in 5D's wanes as the show spends its time on inconsequential bullshit


It's so mysterious I might not even know.
- Might be something terrible
AS A FINAL NOTE as mentioned above I  have a birthday party this weekend (spoilers: it's mine, though the actual B-day isn't till Tuesday) so I will be around not much/sporadically throughout the next couple of days. VOTE AWAY, FOLKS

tell me who to app, tags are horrible

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