C&C Holiday Gift Exchange -- CONCLUSION

Dec 25, 2009 01:10

Hello everyone!

THIS IS THE CONCLUSION OF THE HOLIDAY GIFT EXCHANGE.It's Christmas and this means all the Holiday Gift Exchange participants will have to give their gifts away soon. Soon being relative because the exchange date is still the 6th, no worry! I just wanted this up for Christmas because of the atmosphere and all ( Read more... )

winter gift exchange, sophie likes pasta with sauce

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Re: Ay anonymous January 5 2010, 01:34:55 UTC
/vomits with nervousness


Melee practiced while she waited. Snow dusted her dark hair, her shoulders, the bridge of her nose. The flurries swirled around her as she swung her leg in a wide arc and then brought it down on the hard, frosted grass. Earth exploded around her boot and she grinned. Nothing kept Melee warm like her own racing blood, like the blast furnace that ignited inside of her as she punched and kicked the biting wind.

She was in a secluded corner of one of the City's parks, far off the walking paths and near a small pond that had thoroughly frozen over. Melee palmed the mirror-glass sheet of ice, trying to judge the force necessary to smash through it. She was lifting her hand for a test strike when she heard Saitou walk up behind her. Leaping to her feet, Melee faced him in a battle stance: legs apart, one fist protecting her chest and the other protecting her face. She exhaled, and the white puff of her breath hung in the air, mingling with the smoke that trailed off the end of Saitou's cigarette.

"Merry Christmas," Saitou said.

"Yeah," she said. "Back atcha."

And then she punched him.

Saitou dodged, but only just--the cigarette fell from his mouth and hit the grass, hissing softly as its orange glow died and sank into the snow. Melee heard the shing of metal against leather as Saitou unsheathed his katana. She had no problem sparring against armed opponents--truth be told, she liked the challenge.

When Saitou's blade nicked her shoulder, she laughed as the hot blood seeped through her torn windbreaker. She kicked up powder as she turned sharply 'round, aiming to pay him back with a spinning sidekick to the kidney. Momentary concern flickered over Saitou's face at the wound, and this slight hesitation cost him. Melee's kick connected and e stumbled, which elicited joyous laughter from his opponent.

This was their idea of a holiday visit. Not to mention a cheap way to combat the cold.

Saitou attempted to block any follow-up attack with his katana, but Melee abandoned all pretense at form and pounced him before he could regain his balance, knocking him into a pillowy mound of snow. He gasped, but maintained a tight grip on the hilt of his sword as he stared at Melee's triumphant face.

"Lighten up, eh?" Melee said. She was breathing hard from exertion and the temperature, her olive skin ruddy with body heat. "It's Christmas."

"I'd be lighter if you weren't on top of me," he said mildly. "Factually speaking."

"Tch." Melee rolled off. "Yer just lucky I don't got any mistletoe."

"Why?" he said, turning his head to look at her. His side ached. Blood still flowed freely from the cut on her shoulder, staining the snow. These interactions were how they related to each other. They had rarely entertained any other way.

"Just to complete the victory," she said, flicking a little snow at him.

"Hmph," he said. Saitou sat up, brushing himself off. "That's all."

Melee didn't answer for a few moments. He was about to ask if she was all right when he suddenly felt her battle-warmed lips against his cheek.

"Mostly all," Melee said, and then she stood as well.

Saitou touched his cheek and looked up into the whirling eddies of snow. A few flakes settled between his fingers, melting instantly. He smiled. "You said you didn't have any mistletoe."

"Yeah," Melee said. "But I won't tell if you won't."


wolfuntamed January 5 2010, 02:47:26 UTC
jksdlfjsdklfdshfjksdh AWWWWWWWWWWWW.



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