Dec 15, 2009 12:47
My frand Matty does not play at C&C but he has good ideas:
[12:31] Matty: so. I just had an idea for a meme. I don't know if it's terrible or amazing.
[12:31] Jilli: uh oh.
[12:31] Matty: so.
[12:31] Matty: your character discovers a version of rule34 specific to their game/RP/etc. how do they react.
[12:33] Jilli: hahaha. well, the "specific to their RP" part is different.
[12:33] Matty: well yes
[12:33] Matty: it's so you don't have shit like
[12:33] Matty: "oh, i'm an OC." *smug*
[12:33] Matty: and more potential for "why would this even happen" pairings.
[12:34] Matty: basically whatever the porn is
[12:34] Matty: it's relevant to them.
[12:35] Jilli: that gives me a hilarious plot idea but I have no characters who would film fake porn of people -- ... but I guess I know who would >_>
[12:36] Matty: 'splain plz
[12:38] Jilli: idk like see in C&C there's a network where everybody posts and so it'd be perfect for them to post short little porn segments starring "Tony Spark" and, idk, "Catalina Kyle", or basically everyone ever on the network hfjdh
[12:38] Matty: that
[12:38] Matty: might
[12:38] Matty: be even better
authoriteens aggregate,
cnc is now a multiverse,
absolutely glorious,
artists with a room full of blow,
greer is married to photoshop,
but i'm too lazy,
champion of oral,
c&c is gay,
*points to eyes; points to your asses*,
there is no tag there is only jill,
because i said so,
*drags everyone into a circle*,
c&c defeats aids,
but why is she getting naked?,
crack is called crack for a reason,
c&c groped my boob last night,
covered in bees,
cow tears are the best seasoning,
greer is nightmare fuel,
baby don't hurt me,
believe me i tried vigorously,
80 guys without dicks,
absolutely not,